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Time-tested traditional methods of treatment of pancreatitis

Проверенные временем народные методы лечения панкреатитаTop tips doctors for the treatment of this disease.

In the treatment of acute and chronic pancreatitis, depending on the indications, can be used with both conservative and surgical approaches.

Treatment of acute pancreatitis

Conservative treatment of acute pancreatitis is carried out at a moderate severity of the disease and is the appointment:

  • Therapeutic fasting with the subsequent transfer of the patient to a diet №5 by Pevsner;
  • Painkillers and antispasmodic medications;
  • Drugs that suppress gastric secretion (omez, famotidine) and pancreatic (sandostatin, octreotide) juice;
  • Medicines that reduce the activity of the proteolytic enzyme of the pancreas – trypsin (trasilol, contrycal, gordox, owoman);
  • Of broad-spectrum antibiotics – on the testimony;
  • Drugs that improve the flow of bile into the duodenum;
  • Intravenous infusion therapy (solutions of salts, glucose, reducing toxicity and improvement of blood fluidity)
  • Maintaining water-salt metabolism;
  • The provision of parenteral nutrition;
  • Normalization of blood coagulation and elimination of bleeding;
  • Detoxification – blood purification hardware methods (hemosorbtion);
  • The prevention of infectious complications (antibiotics), etc.

In addition to this, with intensive therapy of severe pancreatitis required as all events, and in the conservative treatment of less severe forms of this disease.

Indications for surgical intervention in any form of pancreatitis are:

  • The formation of purulent foci in the pancreas;
  • Abscesses of the abdominal cavity;
  • Peritonitis
  • Obstruction of the excretory duct of the pancreas and common bile duct calculi (stones) or fibrous tissue (obturation);
  • Large cyst, pancreatic gland;
  • Pronounced and difficult to treat pain syndrome;
  • The steady progression of the disease during treatment.

Treatment of chronic pancreatitis

In the course of chronic pancreatitis isolated periods of exacerbation (relapse) and remission of the inflammatory process (remission). Treatment during the exacerbation does not differ from conservative treatment of the acute form in moderately severe.

Complex medical procedures at any stage in the treatment of pancreatitis should be based on individual patient characteristics and existing complications and associated diseases.

Complications of pancreatitis and treatment

Speaking about the treatment of various forms of pancreatitis often have to talk about the complications of this disease. Among the complications are:

  • Violation of the outflow of bile from the liver and gall bladder (cholestasis);
  • The development of secondary infections: purulent foci in the prostate, abscesses in the abdominal cavity, sepsis;
  • Intra-abdominal bleeding, bleeding esophageal, stomach, into the duodenum;
  • The appearance of effusion in the chest (pleural effusion) and abdominal (ascites) cavity;
  • Episodes reduce blood sugar (hypoglycemic crisis);
  • Cancer of the pancreas;
  • Diabetes mellitus;
  • Reactive hepatitis.
  • Each of these complications requires attention and specific approach.

Traditional treatment of pancreatitis

In acute pancreatitis and exacerbations of chronic self-medication is better not to engage. In the phase of remission is possible with care to use some methods of herbalism and folk medicine. Helpful herbs and fees with the following action:

  • Antispasmodic;
  • Cholagogue;
  • Carminative (reduces bloating and flatulence);
  • Tonic

Of the best known herbs for herbal medicine for pancreatitis suitable: mint, chamomile, calendula, St. John’s wort, Valerian, motherwort, plantain, nettle, yarrow, dill, cumin and many others. Starting a herbal medicine, it is important to study the information about what part of the plant used, how to properly prepare and take. It is important to change the drug charges at least once every two months.

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