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Simple ways to get rid of excess calories

Small trick for easy weight loss.In order to lose weight, it is necessary not only to consume enough calories, but to burn them. How to make the process of burning calories efficiently?.. If you want to burn more calories, but don’t have enough time in order to have time to …

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This berry slows the aging process

Blueberries are good for vision, heart health, memory, colds, coughs, headaches, and even actively prevents aging. No matter how many reasons to love these berries, a new study has shown that they can also help to reduce the risk of developing Alzheimer’s disease. The study was presented at 251st National …

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These products are deadly to the heart and blood vessels

Exclusion from the diet only a few foods will help to avoid cardiovascular disease.Now cardiovascular diseases are very common. The problem is serious, and to take care of your health needs in advance so that consequences were not dire. In addition, you need to watch your diet for prevention and …

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Healthy foods to strengthen hair

The four products that fight hair loss.The condition of the hair directly reflects how we eat. After all, poor and unbalanced diet is almost synonymous with weak, split ends and even hair loss. fish Salmon, sardines and trout are rich in protein, rich in omega-3 fatty acids and vitamin D. …

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The most common myths about frozen foods

5 myths that it’s time to stop believing.Almost every one of us after the summer time freezer Packed with fruit and vegetables for winter. However, some do not know how to freeze the gifts of nature, and some even convinced that such food does more harm than good. Myth # …

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Named products that stimulate brain activity

Food not only gives energy to the human body but also increases its intellectual qualities. As stated by leading scientists, food increases not only the physical strength of a person but also his intellectual capacity. In particular, according to doctors, the nutrients contained in food, are a great “fuel” for …

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Doctors called one of the main causes of migraine

The posture of man is the main factor of the disease. How often do we hear from friends and acquaintances about the migraine. And even themselves are subjected to this painful state. Sometimes feeling like your head was squeezed steel Hoop leads men to believe that all the fault of …

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