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Named products that stimulate brain activity

Названы продукты, стимулирующие активность головного мозгаFood not only gives energy to the human body but also increases its intellectual qualities.

As stated by leading scientists, food increases not only the physical strength of a person but also his intellectual capacity.

In particular, according to doctors, the nutrients contained in food, are a great “fuel” for the brain. At the same time, some foods can work miracles. During the laboratory studies, the group of doctors found that a small amount of nuts may improve cognitive skills of men and women.

In addition, a list of useful products also got the salmon, blueberries, avocados, whole grains and broccoli. Also a beneficial effect on the human mind has a dark chocolate. Doctors strongly recommend to include listed food in daily diet because these are the components that contribute to strengthening protective reactions of the organism.

It should be noted that a healthy lifestyle is the main factor influencing the propensity of the population to longevity. According to researchers, the use of these products leads to an increase in productivity and efficiency.

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