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With these tips, your child will be attentive and diligent

Благодаря этим советам, ваш ребенок станет внимательным и усидчивымThe best tips that will help your children.

Children from an early age are particularly observant, because they all wondering around.

Parents are very important to help your children not to lose this ability, and to teach the child not to focus on different things, and be able to focus on one thing.

How parents can help children develop and improve their care will discuss in this article.

1. Focusing on the interests of the child.
Often parents offer their children to play games that are interesting to them. When this occurs, ignoring the child’s needs. She often gets distracted. The child wants to play what she doesn’t like, even though my parents insist. It is therefore very important to monitor what she wants in the moment child. After all, only your favorite games will allow it possible to focus.

2. Pass the initiative.
Invite the child to choose the game, and then along with it get involved in the process. Also, be careful when she will be interested. If the baby will need to switch to does not insist that he finished the job earlier classes. But you can politely ask him to pick up your toys.

3. Not in a hurry.
Playing with your child, try never to rush. She will understand and get pleasure from the process. We adults are often in a hurry, do a lot of business in a hurry. The kids still live in their own mode and rhythm, and it is not necessary to shoot down, as we would not want to. Moreover, you can also learn from the child’s slowly – enjoy the process and communication with the baby.

4. Give children attention.
Without the help of parents the child’s development is much slower, and mindfulness gives way to carelessness. Children whose parents play rarely grow more hectic, it is difficult for them to concentrate, they don’t know that they’d better pay attention.

5. Suggest and explain.
Children are very hard to understand what is important and what is secondary. Also, from parents the child wants to get answers to all your questions: why the sky is blue and the grass green, why is it important to cross at the green light, to be polite, but be able to defend their rights not to insult others, not to harm others. Parents show the child what is important and what is secondary, focusing the attention of his child.

Telling and explaining something to his kid, it is important to speak with him eye to eye. It is with this approach he will remember and understand more information, you can better concentrate on your words. But shouting and raising your voice you are unlikely to reach understanding.

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