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Scientists told about the possible consequences of refusal of alcohol

Ученые рассказали о возможных последствиях отказа от алкоголяAbout what happens to our body after some time without alcohol.

Of course, you know that alcohol is fine only a day direct its application, and the next day the alcohol makes itself known in a very different color. The researchers said that happens to those who decided to get rid of the addiction.

One hour without alcohol

Body starts full-scale operation called “detox“ to remove the excess of alcohol in the blood. An hour after consuming the last drink the liver starts to work overtime. This also applies to the pancreas, which produces several times more insulin.

12-24 hours without alcohol

The blood sugar finally normalized. However, if you’re after alcohol use are harmful and sweet foods, prepare for the glycemic rollercoaster. Nip that in the Bud and even during a heavy hangover and not succumb to the temptation. Due to the diuretic effect of alcohol, you will also feel constant thirst. So: eat vegetables and fruits, drink plenty of water.

48 hours without alcohol

Congratulations to all of the “cleaning“ procedure is usually come to an end. You can still feel the lethargy, headache and fatigue, but the worst is over.

72 hours without alcohol

It’s official: any of the side effects of a hangover now, you will not be disturbed. Craving for carbohydrates and sweets gradually subsides and you finally start to feel good both physically and mentally.

1 week without alcohol

Normalizerbase your sleep will become deeper, you will become more energetic and active. Avoiding alcohol also affects the improvement of the skin in the first place, by restoring hydration. Experts say that are various skin diseases such as dandruff, eczema and rosacea.

1 month without alcohol

The percentage of fat in the liver reduced by 15%, which improves its ability to filter toxins. By the way, the “beer belly“ is also gradually disappearing. According to a study published in The International Journal of Cosmetic Science, skin becomes perfect immediately after you will reach the “1 month“.

1 year without alcohol

If you could drink a year, congratulations! During this period your weight should have been reduced by 5-6 pounds. In addition, the risk of oral cancer, breast cancer and liver now is quite low.

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