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The treatment of thrombophlebitis at home

The best proven traditional recipes. Thrombophlebitis — inflammation of the venous wall with formation in the lumen of the vein thrombus. Commonly called thrombophlebitis inflammation and thrombosis of superficial, subcutaneous veins. The most common cause of thrombosis is not treated, varicose veins and chronic venous insufficiency. Superficial thrombophlebitis in varicose …

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The main rules for a long life

Scientists proved that people can significantly increase their life, if responsibly to their own health. We gathered advice from leading scientists in the field of gerontology experts, exploring the mechanisms of aging, and factors affecting the life expectancy of the population. 1. Sleep! It is important not only to save …

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Fasting days will help to run your body

Fasting days are much healthier and more effective than prolonged food restriction. Moreover, due to the one-day limit, you can “start” the metabolism, to give rest to liver and heart and even clean the whole body. “It is important to remember that fasting is not starvation, it is not necessary …

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A folk remedy will help in reducing sexual activity

Drugs of Rhaponticum carthamoides recommended to take while decrease in sexual activity, loss of strength, headache and irritability. Plant firmly occupies one of leading places in the list of adaptogens, due to the rich content in the rhizome and root of vitamin C, alkaloids, tannins and coumarins, resins and essential …

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Foods that lead to brain activity

The need to enhance brain activity occurs in each of us several times a day. But how to make the brain work? Effort of the will for this is not enough: the order to think quickly and effectively is like the lash of a whip on the rump dead tired …

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Doctors told, we do not recommend vegetarianism

A complete rejection of meat and animal products are especially dangerous for pregnant women In the program “Morning with Ukraine” with the leading Sergei Zenin and Svetlana Katrenko on the channel “Ukraine” reporters learned about the consequences of vegetarianism for human health. The fashion for vegetarianism came to Ukraine from …

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In what products most of the b vitamins

B vitamins can be called Almighty – they participate in virtually all processes of our body. They include subgroups B1 (thiamine), B2 (Riboflavin), B3 (Niacin), B5 (Pantothenic acid), B6 (pyridoxine), B7 (Biotin), B9 (folic acid) and B12 (cobalamin). Vitamin B1 Contributes to the transformation into energy of carbohydrates, fats and …

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The unique properties of lemon, which you did not know

Lemon is useful not only to eat but also apply in different ways to maintain good health For example, few people know that this sour fruit is the best assistant for Scorpion sting, or varicose veins. Doctors suggest applying lemon compress to the sore veins and various skin diseases. Acne, …

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