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The main rules for a long life

Главные правила долгой жизниScientists proved that people can significantly increase their life, if responsibly to their own health.

We gathered advice from leading scientists in the field of gerontology experts, exploring the mechanisms of aging, and factors affecting the life expectancy of the population.

1. Sleep! It is important not only to save on hours of sleep, but not to overdo it with the rest. No need to focus on generally accepted rules — to sleep for about 8 hours. As explained head of the laboratory of epigenetics of the Institute of gerontology of NAMS of Ukraine, doctor of medical Sciences Alexander Vaiserman, everyone has their own normal sleep. For example, people used to sleep for 8 hours, and he was comfortable. If he is constantly going to sleep for 6 hours, it will have emotional stress, stress; if 10 hours) will also have negative consequences for health.

On the advice of a specialist to every day was about the same number of hours for sleep, you need to go to bed as early as possible.

2. Smile! Evil people do not live long, and in old age the character reflected on the exterior.
As explained head of the laboratory of social gerontology, Institute of gerontology, Professor Vera Chaikovskaya, people, dissatisfied with life, the level of cancer is much higher. But if you want the positive aspects can be found in everything. Let’s say you are in a hurry, and the bus stop is the bus. If you have time to sit down — rejoice, and do not have time — too: wait for the next and rest, perhaps the only time during the upcoming day. This psychotherapeutic method is collecting successes. If a person believes that he is lucky, he will be lucky.

3. Eat rationally! If you pay attention, that among people over 90 years very rarely found complete. Vera Chaikovskaya says that one of the main components of the prevent premature aging – a balanced diet. For pensioners it should be varied and balanced. You need to adhere to “Golden mean”: not overeating and not starving yourself.

4. Energised by nature! Doctor of medical Sciences, head of laboratory vocational rehabilitation of the Institute of gerontology Alexander Polyakov says that health is better to live in rural areas, where people feel relaxed. In nature, when it is in the inner world, pulling in any age. In summer, many city retirees go to the cottage, work in the garden. Work and fresh air contribute to longevity.

Longevity is also positively influenced by mountain conditions. Some physiologists explain mountain longevity a decrease in the oxygen content in the air, oxidation processes take place more slowly, therefore slowing down the aging process.

5. Take care family! Head of the Department of demography of aging, Institute of gerontology Natalia Vogt notes that there are more centenarians, according to the 2001 census, live in the Western regions of Ukraine. It affects, primarily, the Patriarchal rural way of life. It contains a rural population with strong family traditions, support between generations, which is an important factor for the preservation of life of older people.

6. Learn! Forcing the brain to work actively, not only keeps the head of the light, but at the same time stimulates the activity of the heart, circulatory system and metabolism. As explained by Alexander Polyakov, the highest rating of longevity among the creative professions, the clergy. People who are socially popular, and live longer.

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