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A folk remedy will help in reducing sexual activity

Народное средство поможет при снижении половой активности Drugs of Rhaponticum carthamoides recommended to take while decrease in sexual activity, loss of strength, headache and irritability.

Plant firmly occupies one of leading places in the list of adaptogens, due to the rich content in the rhizome and root of vitamin C, alkaloids, tannins and coumarins, resins and essential oils, oxalic acid and salts of phosphoric acid, notes naturopathic doctor Andrey Romanovskiy in the book “Natural biostimulants against aging.”

Infusions and decoctions are prepared from the roots and rhizomes of the plant. They all have tonic, tonic action.

A decoction of the rhizomes of Rhaponticum

Attended with loss of physical and mental strength, as well as impotence.
The root of the grind. 1 tbsp crushed root pour a glass of boiling water. The capacity to put on a slow fire and cook for 20-25 minutes. To remove capacity from fire and let stand for liquid for another half hour. Take before meals for 1 teaspoon to consume before bed. Preferably 4-5 hours.

Toning infusion of the roots levzei

Grind the root and place in a glass bowl. Pour vodka or moonshine tightly closed lid. 100 g root needed half a liter of vodka.
Tincture to readiness is necessary to withstand two weeks.
To make the tincture should be 35-40 drops before meals.
The course not more than 1 month, then needed a break of 2 months.

Aroma of Rhaponticum

Fragrance oil of this plant is a great tool for psycho-emotional adjustment, enhancing mental performance. The aroma is able to restore normal sleep, improve concentration, relieve nervousness and hysteria, to neutralize the excited nervous system.
The easiest way – cool inhalation. Aroma oils can be inhaled directly from the bottle or apply it on the skin. The breath should be smooth and deep.
The time of inhalation for 7-10 minutes.

Tonic pain

The dried root of Rhaponticum grind to a powder and mix with honey at the rate of 1 part of the root of 9 parts of honey. Accept 3 times a day for 1 tbsp.

Recipe from Genghis Khan to apply the powder levzei on the tip of the sword and lick. The legend says that hardy and indefatigable soldiers of the Mongol conqueror Genghis Khan was established due to the fact that every day he took a powder from the roots of Rhaponticum.

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