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The treatment of thrombophlebitis at home

Лечение тромбофлебита в домашних условияхThe best proven traditional recipes.

Thrombophlebitis — inflammation of the venous wall with formation in the lumen of the vein thrombus.

Commonly called thrombophlebitis inflammation and thrombosis of superficial, subcutaneous veins.

The most common cause of thrombosis is not treated, varicose veins and chronic venous insufficiency. Superficial thrombophlebitis in varicose veins can recur and can progress and cause severe complications. The main symptoms of thrombophlebitis is a seal in the region of Vienna, redness and pain. Sometimes the body temperature rises.

The clot is prone to movement and it is usually spread up and down, sometimes penetrating into the deep veins. Thrombophlebitis is a serious disease and without proper treatment, sometimes leading to complications: pulmonary embolism, blood poisoning (sepsis), deep vein thrombosis.

Thrombophlebitis widely used traditional medicines.

1. And flower buds of a common lilac pour over boiling water and spread evenly on thick cloth and apply the compress to the affected area from morning to evening.

The following procedure is recommended to accept with the appearance of the kidneys of a lilac to a full blooming flower.

2. One side of the sheet of cabbage to grease with sunflower oil and put the oiled side on the part of the body, hold for 12 hours a day. Sheet to change daily.
The course of treatment is 1 month.

3. During the year to take the crushed nutmeg 3 times a day for 30 g per 30 ml of water 30 minutes before a meal.

4. Thistle or sow-Thistle garden (1-3 tablespoons) boil 200 ml of water for 2-3 minutes. With this broth to make a hot compress for varicose veins.

5. Thrombophlebitis and painful blockage of the veins you can do hot foot bath during flowering lilac: applying to the sites of blood clots washed in hot water the leaves of lilac. The same remedy cure the disease “horsehair” (Rishta). In addition, cut a thin young shoots of lilac applied to wounds, blood clots, changing them as it dries.

6. For the treatment of thrombophlebitis of effective foot baths cudweed: 50 g of grass soak in 1 liter of boiling water 1 hour.

7. 5 kg of fresh nettle kept in 5 liters of boiling water for 5 hours (heat wrapped); or 2-3 kg of dried nettle pour 10 liters of boiling water and stand 1 hour. Infusion pour into the tub with a temperature of 36 °C. duration of the bath is 30 minutes.
Such baths take up to a full recovery.

8. If thrombophlebitis (varicose veins) of the legs, it is useful to take a foot bath up to the knees for 30 minutes at a temperature of 37-38 °C from the roots of the willow and oak (50 g per 10 liters of water). After a bath on legs wear a brace or rubber stockings and rest lying down.

See also: Treatment of boils at home

When, after a long illness the patient begins to get better, to strengthen the feet it is recommended to take daily foot baths hot decoction of the roots of a willow (100 g per 10 liters of water). Bath temperature – 37-38 °C.

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