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Fasting days will help to run your body

Разгрузочные дни помогут «запустить» ваш организмFasting days are much healthier and more effective than prolonged food restriction.

Moreover, due to the one-day limit, you can “start” the metabolism, to give rest to liver and heart and even clean the whole body.

“It is important to remember that fasting is not starvation, it is not necessary to spend the whole day only on mineral water. I recommend this method only after lavish feasts with plenty of alcohol poisoning or return from holiday, where “all inclusive,” says dietician Lyudmila Babich.

Variants of days of discharge – a great many, you can choose the one or those products that suit you. “For example, I really like the fasting day on apples, since I like them a lot, and the girlfriend says that the day on yogurt drops 2kg and gets rid of digestive problems. Whatever you choose, remember that in the fasting day you should consume enough liquids and not to starve yourself to slowed metabolism. It is also important to choose the right day. Psychologically easier, if it is not a day off, a day when the refrigerator in the next room, and access to products can be difficult. Even better, if during the week you have the busiest day at work – he should be handling because you just have no time to dream about the pies and the cakes,” advises the specialist.

The most popular fasting days:

– On the apples. Provides the body with nutrients and micronutrients. But is contraindicated in hyperacidity of the stomach and peptic ulcer disease. A day is acceptable to eat up to four pounds of apples, so hungry you just will not. Can be eaten raw or baked apples.

– For dairy products. The most popular is yogurt, but the yogurt, low-fat yogurt. Allowed up to five liters of beverage.

– On the cucumbers. They have a lot of vitamins and liquid, they perfectly quench hunger and thirst and easily tolerated by the body, especially in the summer.

– Buckwheat or rice. Cereals contain iron and trace minerals that provide the body adequate nutrition. The mess, you can fill the night with boiling water and let stand until morning, wrapped in a towel, but you can just boil until cooked without salt. But this method is contraindicated for people suffering from constipation.

– On the berries. These days rather for recuperation of the body or discharge the liver. To lose sweet berries, for example strawberries, quite difficult. But blueberry or raspberry can help to get rid of superfluous centimetres on a waist. Of course, to consume the berries without cream, syrups and sugar.

– On the meat. For those that cannot tolerate feeling hungry and loves meat products is a great choice, but the unloading is strictly prohibited if you have problems with blood vessels or the liver. The most optimal meat Turkey or chicken, lean beef allowed. Meals can be boiled, baked in the oven or cook for a couple.

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