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Effective treatment of dark folk remedies

How to get rid of bruises and hematomas: people’s councils.Each of us is familiar with hematomas and bruises. Very often, the bruises we get in early and, so to speak, in the wrong place. Quickly such injuries are not, therefore, present to you ways to get rid of bruises, hematomas …

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Vegetable diet: lose weight with health benefits

Due to the active consumption of vegetables improves the microflora and intestinal peristalsis. Usually these diets involve weekly vegetable discharge. Due to the active consumption of vegetables improves the microflora and intestinal peristalsis. The long body is saturated with vitamins and minerals. Summer vegetable diets are based on the following …

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Called fruits, which is dangerous for pregnant women

These fruits are contraindicated in expectant mothers.A group of leading experts reported that during pregnancy, not all fruits can be consumed in the mothers. 1.The exotic fruit. If before pregnancy you have not tried this fruit, it is better to postpone the introduction. Because of possible anaphylactic reaction, which is …

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Doctors called an end to the dangers in beauty salons

Thousands of people regularly visit beauty salons and do not think that it can be dangerous. Masks, haircuts, coloring, peeling, manicure, pedicure — these procedures help people feel well-groomed and attractive. Sometimes, however, the SPA or the beautician ends in failure, say doctors. Of course, these complications do not happen …

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The main rules of fasting days

You should lose weight wisely. After a day on mineral water, cucumbers or apples which not only has to endure to women trying to lose weight. On fasting days, perhaps, have heard everything, and many have time and test this method of weight loss. To such unloading has benefited the …

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How much sleep children for good performance

Sleep duration may differ depending on age. Children need good sleep to bring home some good grades. To do this, they should start to accustom to the routine of sleep for some time before the beginning of the school year, suggest experts. Although many children go to bed quite late …

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Greens can replace the sports

Eating green promotes weight loss. Physicians it was found that regular consumption of green and leafy vegetables leads to a reduction in weight even without strenuous exercise. According to experts, greens affects the mechanisms of regulation of appetite. Most often, herbs are used as an additional ingredient and eat it …

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Nutritionists advised to eat sweet to start the meal

This will help to curb your appetite. People sitting on a diet, always stay away from sweet treats, but the key to losing weight could be to eat dessert first during the meal, experts say. Scientists from Imperial College London believe that eating sweet food early in the meal can …

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