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The main rules of fasting days

Названы главные правила разгрузочных дней You should lose weight wisely.

After a day on mineral water, cucumbers or apples which not only has to endure to women trying to lose weight. On fasting days, perhaps, have heard everything, and many have time and test this method of weight loss. To such unloading has benefited the organism, one needs to hold it correctly.


Key recommendations

1. Needed during the meal before the fast day to eat more vegetables.

2. In food in the period of discharge should be only high quality products.

3. Need to minimize stress and conflict.

4. In the fasting days is to drink a lot of water a day at least 2 liters.

5. It is impossible to sharply limit the number of calories: if in the daily diet, there will be less than 1000, your metabolism will only slow down.

6. Multiple diet of 5-6 meals is the basic principle of unloading.

7. You should not choose favorite products, for example, buckwheat can be easily replaced, brown rice.

8. To accelerate the exchange of substances useful to douche.

9. After unloading you need to return to a normal diet: Breakfast should be hearty and hot, you can not skip lunch nor dinner, but starchy foods, sweets and oily forget.

Kinds of fasting days

What is the main purpose during unloading? For someone it is important to accelerate fat burning, and someone suffers swelling and fluid retention. In order to correctly choose your diet, you need to decide on priority.

Getting rid of edema

If swelling is required purification of the urinary system, it is recommended to eat foods rich in potassium. For example, you can hold the rice-compote unloading: unsalted boiled rice (at each meal – 1 tbsp) unsweetened stewed fruit (1 Cup). But for those who have problems with the pancreas, this menu is contraindicated.

Fat burning

For this fit the “protein” days when you should eat lean meat, yogurt, cottage cheese or fish. A positive thing with this diet is the lack of hunger, it means that unloading will be easy and will not cause discomfort.

The weight loss

To lose a few pounds will help liquid fasting days, in this period, you can use the broth from the vegetables, drink fresh fruit and vegetable juices, and teas from herbs. For example, on the day will need 4 cups of juice from apples, carrots and mint, as much cabbage soup and a couple liters of chamomile or mint broth.

How long could discharge

In all must adhere to moderation. When to blame weight gain be overeating and inactivity, it will be enough and a couple days of fasting a week. It is desirable that they were in a row, an important break, for example, choose Wednesday and Friday (no wonder they have long been considered lean). If the reason for extra kilograms lies in the failure of the activities of metabolic or endocrine systems, the duration of the discharge should be increased to 5 days.

Remember: fasting days are not the solution to all problems, and after it is important to follow a proper diet and find time for sports.

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