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Effective treatment of dark folk remedies

Эффективное лечение синяков народными средствамиHow to get rid of bruises and hematomas: people’s councils.

Each of us is familiar with hematomas and bruises. Very often, the bruises we get in early and, so to speak, in the wrong place.

Quickly such injuries are not, therefore, present to you ways to get rid of bruises, hematomas and bruises at home.

1. Cold.

For starters, try to avoid the appearance of a bruise. To do this as quickly as possible you need to cool the place of injury.

Attach to the site of injury ice, wrapped in a handkerchief, or use anything from the fridge. Keep cold for 1.5 hours, occasionally taking breaks so as not to cause hypothermia. If the bruise is on the arm or leg – tighten this place with an elastic bandage.

2. Heat.

If the bruise is already there – it will help heat. It promotes resorption of existing hematomas. Use different warm-up means – compresses, rubbing.

3. Essential oil.

To bruise faster passed – use essential oils. For fresh injuries is well-suited lavender oil, and for a long time – rosemary.

4. Fresh-water sponge.

No less effective remedy for bruises, known to all – bodyaga (freshwater sponge powder). You can buy it at the drugstore, and it costs pennies. It helps get rid of bruises and hematomas. Mix the powder concoctions with water to obtain a paste. This slurry apply to the injury site. These gadgets are good for fresh bruises.

5. Iodine.

On the second day after the formation of a bruise make iodine mesh with 5% tincture of iodine.

6. Salt.

Mix 1/2 Cup of vodka, add 1/2 teaspoon of salt. Apply a tampon dipped in this mixture to injuries. Renew the compress when it starts to dry out.

7. Calendula.

A good remedy for bumps and bruises – tincture of calendula. You can buy in the drugstore, but you can make your own.

Take 20 grams of calendula flowers per 100 ml of 70 degree alcohol. You need to insist 2 weeks, so it is better to prepare in advance. Kept it for a long time. Use this infusion for compresses and lotions.

8. Aloe.

Apply to the injury site cut sheet al. You can glue it with a patch. Very good for small bruises.

9. Cabbage.

To the long-bruised spot apply fresh cabbage leaves. Be slightly repel them.

10. Beans.

Make the night a compress of boiled white beans, rubbed her to a pulp. Top tie cotton cloth or bandage.

11. Garlic.

Cut into 2 pieces garlic cloves lubricate the seat of bruises or apply to bruise the pulp of crushed garlic. You can make a mixture of 250 ml. of vinegar and 1 head of crushed garlic. The mixture RUB the bruises.

12. Horseradish and radish.

Several times a day apply to the injury site of the pulp grated on a fine grater radish and horseradish.

13. Pineapple.

This fruit contains enzymes that accelerate the absorption of bruises. Wipe the bruises fresh pineapple juice or pieces of fruit.

14. Bow.

Finely chop 1 medium onion and add 1 teaspoon of salt. With this mixture make compresses 2-3 times a day.

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