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This drink can seriously harm your health

The frappuccino was very insidious beverage.A popular summer drink frappuccino (frappuccino) is the most dangerous enemy for those who are watching their health and nutrition. This was told by the nutritionist Tatiana violet. According to her, the combination of coffee, milk and cream, sugar or syrup with ice cream or …

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Doctors have suggested how to overcome Allergy to cat fur

Cat Allergy — a fairly common phenomenon. According to statistics, cats cause people to have allergic reactions more often than any other animals. Most people mistakenly believe that direct allergen is cat hair, but it is not so. What, in fact, is allergic to cats?In reality, allergic reactions in humans …

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The juice of this plant copes with inflammation of the eye

Aloe — a real salvation for those who suffer from vision problems. Please share the recipe of wonderful medicine with aloe juice. This tool is a real vitamin bomb for the eyes! Can be successfully used for the treatment of cataract, sore eyes, and inflammation of the eyelids. Ingredients — …

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Called rules of healthy eating for office workers

They will help to maintain the shape and health. Sedentary lifestyle, improper diet, stress – all this accompanies the work in the office and leads to weight gain. For such cases in the US have developed a special diet. Course nutritionist Dawn Lerman created for office staff, formulated in the …

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Doctors say the causes of chronic fatigue syndrome

Constant fatigue says about the poor condition of the whole organism. Chronic fatigue syndrome is a mysterious disorder that affects a significant part of the population. Fatigue that occurs after any exertion or effort and does not pass even after rest, the doctors explained the accumulated stress. However, the new …

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