Home / Medicine / The juice of this plant copes with inflammation of the eye

The juice of this plant copes with inflammation of the eye

Сок этого растения отлично справляется с воспалением глазAloe — a real salvation for those who suffer from vision problems.

Please share the recipe of wonderful medicine with aloe juice.

This tool is a real vitamin bomb for the eyes! Can be successfully used for the treatment of cataract, sore eyes, and inflammation of the eyelids.


— 100 g of aloe juice
— 500 g of crushed walnut
— 300 g of honey
— 3-4 lemon


Squeeze juice from lemons.
Then grind in a blender all the ingredients until a homogeneous slurry.
Use the mixture should be inside of 1 tablespoon 3 times a day half an hour before meals. To take the medicine needed for 3 months. After 30 days, you will notice that your vision has improved! The tool should be kept in the refrigerator for 10 days.

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