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Doctors advised how to strengthen the immune system for the year ahead

Врачи посоветовали, как укрепить иммунитет на год впередSummer is a great period to boost immunity for the whole year.

If you are familiar with what a cold more than three times a year – the issue of lifting immunity should be a priority for you.

First of all, immunity is the body’s ability to defend itself from viruses, diseases and negative environmental influences. To recover and to freshen up must first pay attention to diet and rest. It is no secret that anxiety and stress are among the main causes of a weakened immune system.

Important fact – those who strengthen the immune system since the summer – almost sick in the winter.

Why in the summer to boost immunity the easiest way? The answer is very simple – in the summer we have greater access to fruits, vegetables and berries. Thus we have a unique opportunity to saturate your organism with all necessary vitamins and minerals.

The most important rule that a source of vitamins and minerals are fresh vegetables, fruits and berries. Their regular use in the summer is the Foundation of a strong immune system. Try not to get involved too by heat treatment in cooking. Do not deprive yourself of vitamins. But a diet exclusively of raw fruits and vegetables is also good for your health. All the main thing – sense of proportion.

Than to strengthen the immune system: what vegetables and fruits increase immunity?

Most useful for the immune system are those vegetables and fruits that contain vitamins C, D, E, A, B5, F and PP. Namely, red currant, wild rose, citrus, carrots, red grapes, sea buckthorn, sweet pepper, apples, cranberries, tomatoes, pumpkin, melon. All these products are of yellow, orange or red.

Vitamin b is contained in legumes, cereals, buckwheat, mushrooms and cheese.

Vitamin E contained in carrot, banana, nuts and seeds.

The best way to boost immunity for the whole year is a natural vegetables, fruits and berries. Strengthen your body from the summer and stay healthy!

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