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How to properly care for split ends

The problem of split ends concerns not only women but men as well. Women who prefer short or medium length haircuts that require frequent ponovleniya (every 14-28 days) rarely encounter the problem of split ends. However, if you ever let his hair regularly trimmed them about this issue, you know …

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Fatty fish will save children from the terrible disease

Children who regularly consumed foods rich in omega-3 fatty acids, 55% less likely to suffer from diabetes. Foods rich in omega-3 fatty acids protect against diabetes type 1 diabetes children with a genetic predisposition to the disease. The inclusion in the diet of fatty fish, walnuts, linen oil and other …

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What soy is so good for women

Scientists said that to protect themselves from the dangerous complications of diseases of women using soy supplements.Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) is a common polyendocrine a disorder that increases the risk of obesity, diabetes, myocardial infarction and stroke in women. However, scientists said that to protect themselves from the dangerous complications …

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Easy ways to quit Smoking

In order to stop Smoking, a person must realize that he is ill – Smoking is a psychological and physical dependence, and not a mere whim.But physical dependence, according to experts, is not strong, to cope with it on forces many people more difficult situation with psychological factors. That is, …

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What vitamins are needed for skin beauty

Of great importance for the condition of the skin, hair, nails is proper nutrition. Even the most beautiful features of the face spoils the loose, flabby skin. You can, of course, apply to the beautician, the more that cosmetic services are offered by many salons, and cosmetology Kazan, as in …

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Magical properties of a pumpkin

Pumpkin tops the list of vegetables on the content of iron and magnesium. In the famous fairy tale fairy turned a pumpkin into a carriage, and Cinderella had a ball. In real life pumpkin rather a real natural pharmacy. And this pharmacy is to use everyone, without exception. Recently, scientists …

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A blood test can detect the hidden disease

Scientists have identified the proteins that indicate the condition of the liver and brain, and focused on detection of markers of prostate, breast and lung. English physician created the device that allows to identify a number of diseases for several years before the onset of their symptoms. Dr. hood President …

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Doctors are not allowed to have Breakfast

Breakfast is not the most important meal of the day, and people are free to ignore it. In medicine and dietetics is dominated by the view that proper and hearty Breakfast is an essential meal during the day, so it is in any case impossible to miss. Proponents of this …

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