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What vitamins are needed for skin beauty

Какие витамины нужны  для красоты кожиOf great importance for the condition of the skin, hair, nails is proper nutrition.

Even the most beautiful features of the face spoils the loose, flabby skin. You can, of course, apply to the beautician, the more that cosmetic services are offered by many salons, and cosmetology Kazan, as in other cities, may help to restore skin freshness and beauty.

However, if only limited to cosmetology, this result will quickly come to naught. You must also analyze your lifestyle and try to get rid of factors that negatively affect the skin. It is primarily unhealthy lifestyle and poor nutrition.

You regularly don’t get enough sleep? Then no wonder the dark circles under the eyes. Smoke, like to drink beer? The result is a yellow, puffy skin.

Of great importance for the condition of the skin, hair, nails is proper nutrition when the body gets from food all the necessary vitamins. Consider the main ones.

Vitamin C most found in citrus fruits – grapefruits, lemons, oranges, tangerines, Lima. In addition, vitamin C rich rosehips, green peas, currant, red pepper, sea buckthorn, Brussels sprouts, strawberries, mountain ash. Without vitamin C it is impossible the formation of collagen, which maintains skin firmness and elasticity. Vitamin a (carotene) contributes to maintaining good vision and the development of immunity and maintenance of healthy epithelium. A symptom of vitamin A deficiency is the appearance of “goose skin” on my elbows, legs and hips.

Record the content of vitamin A is carrots. To replenish his stock, eat more pumpkin, zucchini, squash, and dairy products (cottage cheese, kefir, yogurt, sour cream, ryazhenka, butter), eggs and liver.

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