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What soy is so good for women

Чем соя так полезна для женщинScientists said that to protect themselves from the dangerous complications of diseases of women using soy supplements.

Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) is a common polyendocrine a disorder that increases the risk of obesity, diabetes, myocardial infarction and stroke in women. However, scientists said that to protect themselves from the dangerous complications of PCOS using soy supplements.

PCOS develops when the female body produces more androgens (male sex hormones) than you need. Previous studies have shown that the disease is associated with an increased risk of infertility, insulin resistance, diabetes mellitus 2nd type, atherosclerosis, high blood pressure and heart disease. Now scientists have discovered that to protect against these pathologies by using soy.

Staff Kazanskogo University of medical Sciences (Iran) was divided 70 patients with polycystic ovary syndrome into 2 groups. The first group received daily dietary supplements of soybean, and the second – a placebo. The study lasted 12 weeks.

Laboratory tests before and after the experiment showed that women who took soy supplements can reduce insulin levels and “bad” LDL cholesterol in the blood and, therefore, the risk of cardiovascular disease and diabetes also declined.

Introducing soy to the diet, women with PCOS can obtain a significant benefit for health, ” says the study’s lead author Sadollah Asami. To normalize the levels of cholesterol and insulin, the study participants had each day to take 50 mg supplements with isoflavones, which corresponds to 500 ml of soy milk.

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