Home / Medicine / Doctors told why with age, hangovers are getting worse

Doctors told why with age, hangovers are getting worse

Медики рассказали, почему с возрастом похмелье становится все хужеThere are several reasons

In 18 years the hangover the morning — this is when you want to drink, and if you have a headache, so alcohol was of poor quality. 25 the morning after drinking is like hell in the head as if pulling a sharp knife, sick, thoughts turning over slowly and deliberately. 29 the hangover drags on all day, and sometimes even the next. Why is this happening? Actually there are several reasons, reports lifehacker.

Less liver enzymes

One of the main reasons for a hangover is getting worse with age is that you become less tolerate alcohol. Each glass of beer or a stack of strong drink is metabolized in about two hours (the exact time can be calculated, taking into account gender, age and weight).

Here’s how it works: the liver enzymes alcohol dehydrogenase that metabolize alcohol to acetaldehyde. Then other enzymes of the aldehyde dehydrogenase of acetate, which is converted to carbon dioxide and water.
When you 21, the process is easy. But over time the level of enzymes drops, and the body takes a much longer time for processing of highly toxic acetaldehyde. This substance is longer in your body, causing headache, dry-heaving, nausea, and other familiar symptoms.

More fat, less water

As we age, changes the overall composition of the body. People accumulate more fat due to which the body becomes more susceptible to the action of spirits.

Fat does not absorb alcohol, and a person with a high percentage of body fat alcohol is less absorbed. That’s why women naturally have a higher percentage of fat than men, faster get drunk with smaller amounts of alcohol.
In addition, with age, the body loses water in 20 years in the body more water than 40. And the less water, the higher will be the concentration of alcohol in the body after consumption.

The weakening of the immune system

With age, the body weakens, and you are worse than recovering from the effects of the various harmful factors: diseases, injuries, and alcohol.

As explained in the article on the website of Time: if you have children, you know that the scratches on the knees and abrasions on my knuckles heal from them just two days. But if you cut your finger, it will take at least a week, the wound had fully healed. In adolescents, pain in the muscles is very fast, and if the person at the age of visit the heavy training, this may unsettle him for a few days.

The national Institute on aging calls it immunostainer, or the gradual weakening of the immune system. Research suggests that with age, the body still continues to recover, it’s just not as fast as before.
All this is particularly evident in middle age, after 50 years. As noted in the article, Wall Street Journal, older people often take medications for chronic diseases, and the likelihood that the pills will react with the alcohol, which accelerates the natural decline in cognitive abilities. With each drink drunk negative effectbuy all the more noticeable.
Alcohol increases cognitive decline among people aged. The neurons become slower. The myelin sheath that covers axons and accelerates transmission of nerve impulses, become thinner. With age, neurons lose performance, and if you add to this the effects of alcohol, they become several times less effective. So if you 65let go to a bar, just after a couple cocktails you’ll figure out very badly.

The influence of lifestyle

Is not only health, but also the lifestyle that you lead. It is much easier to cope with a headache if after a stormy Friday you’re lying in bed and moaning quietly. But if the house worn a pair of screaming children, and you have to cook, clean or go to work, that headache might become a real nightmare.

In 2013, the study found that the age at which it happens the worst hangover, is 29 years old. And not because of physical factors, but because of the simultaneous influence of biology and circumstances. In 29 years, people often stick to alcoholic habits remaining from a young age, even if the hangover is getting painful and long.
if 29-year-old and 45-year-old drink same amount of alcohol, the hangover the second will be stronger. But the point is that the 45-year-old people are less likely to get drunk.

So remember that and be kind to your body, because of the nature of her immune aging and decline of cognitive functions are you sure of the good will not wait.

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