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Doctors are not allowed to have Breakfast

Медики разрешили не завтракатьBreakfast is not the most important meal of the day, and people are free to ignore it.

In medicine and dietetics is dominated by the view that proper and hearty Breakfast is an essential meal during the day, so it is in any case impossible to miss. Proponents of this concept claim that skipping Breakfast people subsequently attempt to compensate for the lost calories during the day which leads to overeating. However, researchers from the University of Bath in the UK denied this concept.

According to them, the idea that Breakfast is very important and useful for the organism, stems from the advertising campaigns selling different kinds of Breakfast cereal, chicken eggs and bacon. There is no evidence that Breakfast speeds up metabolism and reduces the risk of overeating throughout the day. The problem is that assumptions about it are based only on observational studies, which have never been tested. But when scientists decided to find some evidence based on a scientific approach, you are unable to do so.

So, science can’t firmly say, do healthy people Breakfast, or they are healthy because they use Breakfast. And still the doctors when dealing with patients who are overweight, certainly advise them to eat Breakfast every day. The experiment in which one group of volunteers ate a Breakfast of 700 calories, and the other only drank water until lunch, have shown that in the end this second approach has led to a reduction in calories. Miss Breakfast eat more at lunch, but did not compensate for forgone during Breakfast of 700 calories.

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