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Healthy habits that can extend life by 18 years

Sport and healthy eating can prolong life. Many people mistakenly believe that it is important externally to preserve the beauty and youth, so experimenting with beauty products. But the scientists said affordable way that will help extend the life for 18 years. In today’s world we work hard, move a …

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These products allowed are all losing weight

When losing weight, not necessarily starve. 1. Low-calorie foods:Tomatoes, cucumbers, mushrooms, white lean fish, citrus. 2. Satisfying products: cereals, pasta from durum wheat, beans, whole grain bread, apples. 3. Products, not provoke spikes in blood sugar: skim milk, lentils, mushrooms, berries, lettuce leaves. 4. Products with low fat: low-fat cottage …

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The doctors called the main enemies of longevity

Pneumonia and General weakening of the body significantly shorten life. Pneumonia and General weakening of the body were the most frequent causes of death of elderly aged 100 years or more, at the same time, heart disease, cancer, other chronic diseases receded into the background. This fact is confirmed by …

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How to lose weight on yogurt in just five days

A strict diet for maximum results. With this diet you can lose 5 kg weight loss. The peculiarity of the diet is that there is a need to strictly hourly. 7.00 am 1 Cup of tea without sugar. 9.00 salad of two medium carrots, grated on a medium grater and …

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Simple ways to improve circulation

Improper or insufficient blood circulation is a common symptom of the illness. Violation of blood circulation can cause fatigue, pain, swelling, drowsiness, chills, metabolism imbalance. Improving blood circulation will help simple tips. Be active — physical activity will improve circulation. Enough half-hour walk, or aerobic exercise, such as Jogging or …

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Best herbal teas for kidney disease

They are recommended by traditional practitioners. In kidney disease are widely used traditional medicines. In particular, the traditional healers recommend the following fees. – Take 2 grams of seeds of garden fennel, horsetail grass and rubbed the leaves of mugwort, 3 grams of bearberry leaves and carrot seed. To put …

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Five simple tips on how to preserve healthy teeth

Beautiful strong teeth – not a dream, but an achievable desire. A beautiful radiant smile – a real decoration for any man. She always attracts attention, holds about the person creates a good impression. To achieve a Hollywood smile is not difficult. It is important to develop the habit every …

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