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The scientists said, what harm for health brings microwave

British experts said the real risks to human health from microwave ovens and shared tips on how to minimize risk. Scientists have conducted a number of studies that have proven harmful effects of microwave ovens on human health. In particular, it significantly increases the risk of cataracts and cancerous tumors. …

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Effective method of rejuvenating the body

The husk of the garlic can become a secret of Your youth.For this, each month I drink a drink made from the white of the garlic husk. This drink is very simple to prepare: take a handful of white husk of garlic and pour a glass of boiling water. Once …

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Identify the key signs of a minor stroke

What is stroke and its symptoms.The concept of “mini-strokes” can be heard from patients and from physicians, but officially this diagnosis does not exist. In neurology there is only the diagnosis of “stroke”. Often called mini-strokes passing the cerebral circulation, accompanied by all or some of the symptoms of stroke, …

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How to cleanse the intestines and lose weight

Food to cleanse bowel what to include in the diet.To cleanse the body of toxins regularly and do it gently and in a natural way. What is the diet for the colon cleansing effectively removes toxins from the body. In order to cleanse the bowel, begin to change their usual …

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The most effective drink to relieve stress

8 reasons to love coffee once and for all.Some say coffee is a real drug, and someone can’t start working without a Cup of fragrant drink. Scientists of all countries do not get tired to prove useful and popular drink, it is harmful. However, there are at least 8 reasons …

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This fruit is especially useful for pregnant women

Why pregnant women need to eat pears.Often pregnant women face many limits. They exclude from their diet foods that really can benefit the body. On why pregnant women should eat pears. An indispensable source of folic acidIn most cases, the pears are absolutely safe for health pregnant women. Moreover, they …

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Healthy foods that protect against prostate cancer

Nutrition plays a key role in prostate health.In recent years more and more men overcome prostate cancer. In this case, to prevent the development of this disease come to the aid of a diet with a high content of nutrients and minor amounts of lipids. The products that you want …

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The three-day program that will cleanse your lungs

Regular detoxification is necessary not only smokers. You smoke or not, and your lungs need regular cleaning; even secondhand smoke, industrial and automobile pollution moistured the lungs and respiratory tract. Over time, toxins and bacteria can have a negative impact on health of your lungs and even lead to such …

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Harmful products should not be excluded from the diet

Just do not abuse them. The Ukrainian researchers reported on 6 unhealthy foods that people should include in your daily diet. It is noted that using commodity ingredients, the weak and the stronger sex can strengthen their own health. According to experts, until recently, some foods are considered harmful to …

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Cucumber will help in the fight against excess weight

Cucumbers are useful not only as a mask for face on the basis of this vegetable has developed an effective diet. Cucumbers contain vitamins and minerals, rich in fiber, magnesium, iron, calcium, vitamins C, E and C, help cleanse the body, stimulate metabolism and beneficial effect on the intestines and …

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