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The three-day program that will cleanse your lungs

Трехдневная программа, которая полностью очистит ваши легкие Regular detoxification is necessary not only smokers.

You smoke or not, and your lungs need regular cleaning; even secondhand smoke, industrial and automobile pollution moistured the lungs and respiratory tract.

Over time, toxins and bacteria can have a negative impact on health of your lungs and even lead to such serious diseases as chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.

Regular detoxification helps in ensuring the normal functioning of the lungs and rapid elimination of toxins. In order to help clear their lungs and stimulate the elimination of toxins and strengthen the immune system, we will share with you the three-day program of detoxification of lungs.

Before beginning the detoxification process it is important to prepare for it, you should remove from the diet all dairy products two days before beginning.In addition, the evening before the cleansing process, drink a Cup of your favorite herbal green tea before bedtime to help release toxins from the intestines. Then for three days, do the following:

1. In a 300 ml glass of warm water, add a quarter Cup of lemon juice (juice from about two lemons) and drink before Breakfast.

2. During Breakfast, drink 300 ml of grapefruit or pineapple juice. These juices contain natural antioxidants that help to improve the respiratory system and clear the lungs.

3. Podslushivaet the body to detoxify, drink at least 300 ml of fresh carrot juice between Breakfast and lunch.

4. During lunch, drink 400 ml of juice rich in potassium, such as issuekey, parsley, oranges, bananas, tomatoes, dates or figs.

5. In the evening, before going to bed, drink 400 ml of cranberry juice to fight infection and bacteria in the lungs.

6. Take a 20 minute shower with hot water that will help eliminate toxins through the skin.

7. If you want, you can also add few drops of eucalyptus oil in hot water and inhale the steam to clear your lungs naturally. Expectorant connection motorenteile in the eucalyptus helps soothe sore throat and problemareas.

8. Practice deep breathing for half an hour every day to get rid of toxins from the lungs.

After those three days your lungs will be significantly improved. Now you can start eating dairy products again, although you should try to reduce their number to a minimum. Try to stick to a balanced, healthy variety of food.

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