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Harmful products should not be excluded from the diet

Вредные продукты, которые не стоит полностью исключать из рациона Just do not abuse them.

The Ukrainian researchers reported on 6 unhealthy foods that people should include in your daily diet.

It is noted that using commodity ingredients, the weak and the stronger sex can strengthen their own health. According to experts, until recently, some foods are considered harmful to the human body.

However, due to the implementation of new experiments, doctors were able to refute common among boys and girls myths. Researchers say that regardless of the type of product, the person needs to comply with the measure.

It should be noted that in the list of ingredients includes eggs, bread, chocolate, corn, coffee and nuts. According to leading researchers, including these foods in daily diet, people can prevent the development of many complex diseases.

Previously it was thought that coffee leads to disruption of the nervous system and reduce the quality of sleep. Doctors say that 2-4 cups of this drink help to strengthen the immune reactions of the organism.

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