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Identify the key signs of a minor stroke

Названы основные признаки микроинсультаWhat is stroke and its symptoms.

The concept of “mini-strokes” can be heard from patients and from physicians, but officially this diagnosis does not exist. In neurology there is only the diagnosis of “stroke”.

Often called mini-strokes passing the cerebral circulation, accompanied by all or some of the symptoms of stroke, independently disappear within 24 hours.

Sometimes violations are only a few minutes, and patients are not even aware that suffered a short stroke. If neurological symptoms persists more than a day or increases, the doctor makes the diagnosis “a stroke”.

causes of mini stroke

Most often, mini-strokes occur in people suffering from atherosclerosis of cerebral vessels. Blockage of atherosclerotic plaques of small branches of the cerebral arteries leads to damage of the brain.

Very often minor stroke developed on the background of any severe abnormalities, resulting in symptoms of transient disorders of cerebral circulation has received little attention or they did remain undetected against the bright symptoms of the underlying disease.

People suffering from hypertension, especially if there are a hypertensive crisis very high risk of hemorrhagic strokes and mini-strokes. Arrhythmias can cause mini-strokes in the ischemic type, since the arrhythmias in the left atrium may form small blood clots that getting blood flow in the vessels of the brain, can cause obstruction.

For various arrhythmias may occur a decrease in blood pressure, which can worsen the blood supply of the brain.

Often, the symptoms a stroke occurs when the myocardial infarction, resulting in doctors having problems when setting the preliminary diagnosis. Isolated cerebral form of myocardial infarction, by which comes first neurological symptoms. In this case, to diagnose myocardial infarction is possible only by results of an electrocardiogram.

The risk of mini-strokes is increased in the presence of patients of diseases which might damage or impair the structure of the vascular wall (diabetes, arthritis, vasculitis, etc.).

symptoms of minor stroke

Symptoms of mini stroke can be nonspecific and often explains prealablement, stress, heavy physical exertion, reaction to changes in atmospheric pressure or influence of other external factors. Very often, signs of punctate brain lesions are masked by symptoms of the underlying disease and does remain without attention.

Possible signs of a stroke: headache, dizziness, nausea, weakness, flies flashing in the eyes, photophobia; stun; numbness of extremities; incoordination, gait; impairment (slurred) language; a sharp increase or decrease in blood pressure; a brief loss of consciousness.

While minor strokes may not have all of the above symptoms, and they disappear on their own rather quickly, within a few hours. With the appearance of several of the above symptoms should consult a doctor.

Almost half of people who have suffered a mini-stroke, happens later history of large stroke with all its consequences.

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