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How to cleanse the intestines and lose weight

Как правильно очистить кишечник и похудетьFood to cleanse bowel what to include in the diet.

To cleanse the body of toxins regularly and do it gently and in a natural way.

What is the diet for the colon cleansing effectively removes toxins from the body.

In order to cleanse the bowel, begin to change their usual diet. An important condition for the detox – the right choice of diet for bowel. Diet for health should be gentle, long is the most harmless and acceptable option. It is best to choose those foods which are minimally cooked.

If you eat sugar, it is better to buy brown, dark rice, cereals, long cooking. In the industrial processing of many products removes the fiber, which is a real cleansing brush for our intestines.

Diet for bowel cleansing should include a lot of veggies and fruits. They are rich in another type of fiber than that which is contained in cereals – pectin. Pectin is a kind of gel that captures toxins and cleanse our body.

Discard canned, smoked products, those that contain a lot of preservatives, chemical additives, colorants. They are very harmful. Will have to give up alcohol and tobacco, and carbonated beverages.
But the use of dairy products, pure water and a variety of smoothies based on fresh fruits, vegetables, berries – it’s a great tool any diet for bowel.

Diet for bowel cleansing:

100 g of Hercules long cooking
100 g natural yogurt
50 g of fresh berries
green tea

Salad from fresh vegetables with 1 tsp fat – 150 g
Boiled fish 100 g
a slice of rye bread
broth hips 200 ml

Zucchini or eggplant baked
100 g of buckwheat
1 Cup of yogurt
In between meals, drink clean water.

Essential for compliance with dety to cleanse the bowel is regular meals and dinner no later than 4 hours before bedtime.

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