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In Italy is found the village of centenarians

В Италии найдена деревня долгожителейScientists have found that in the village of Acciaroli, located in Italy, most of the inhabitants are centenarians.

The local population is almost not affected by characteristic of old age diseases, including dementia.

Tellingly, the majority of residents do not support a healthy lifestyle. The majority of the older members of the local population are prone to bad habits and throw them not going. At the same time, the municipal authority of the city Campaign, in which is the village, noted that among the local population Acciaroli over 20% of people said howling 110th anniversary.

For comparison, the U.S. average life expectancy is 78 years old and only 0.02% of the population live to the hundredth anniversary. Several groups of scientists visited the village with the purpose to find out the secret of longevity. Many of the seniors living there to keep his own farm and feed exclusively on the fruits of their labor. The village is located on the Mediterranean sea. The locals assured the scientists that the secret lies in the fresh salt air, clean environment and natural products.

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