The transit of mercury over the disk of the Sun captured on video.
With the help of space hardware, NASA took video of the transit of mercury in front of the disk of the sun. The video appeared on the official website of the Agency in Instagram.
On shots it is visible as a small dot against the backdrop of a massive star.
The video was made using the solar dynamics Observatory. It helps to observe the Sun in the spectra with different wavelengths, including ultraviolet.
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Tiny planet Mercury transits the Sun 👀 On Nov. 11, Mercury crossed between Earth and the Sun — a rare event we won’t be able to see again until 2032. Our Solar Dynamics Observatory, which views the Sun in a variety of wavelengths of light in the extreme ultraviolet, tracked Mercury’s journey. Credit: using NASA’s Scientific Visualization Studio #sun #transit #mercury #mercurytransit #solarsystem #nasa
The transit of mercury over the disk of the Sun took place on November 11. This is a rare astronomical phenomenon will be repeated only in the year 2032.