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Who and why killed the village?

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One German told me with bitterness that we, Russians, don’t even understand how we are rich and free, because in Germany even just to enter the forest, you have to pay money, to breed the fire – to pay the penalty, to take his son to run into conflict with the tutorship, having domestic animals is to obtain a judicial process with powerful corporations…it So happened that when we say “optimization” I immediately raises almost subliminal question: what else is going to Rob people? And, I must say, I have never made a mistake, to my horror. “OPTIMIZATION” – the same disease of the brain of our state, how liberalism is a disease of the brain “intellectuals”. With liberalism intellectual clear – this manic-painful urge to “all allow” and “deny deny”, wonderfully combined with a reluctance to admit that the majority of the population believe: “everything is allowed” only in a madhouse, and then only after taking precautions. But what about optimization?

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The word positive, cognate with “optimism”… But it turns out, deceptive. In short: optimization by the officials refers to certain actions that would allow the state to spend less on a certain matter, but to continue to pretend that the case is done… uffff, difficult, isn’t it? But it’s hard for us, but for the state very clear. Optimized “unprofitable” airfields – reducing their number across the country seven times. Optimized unique military schools. Optimized leading universities, which had no analogues in the world experienced agricultural parcels. Optimized weather station. Optimized the reserves…by the Way. Wildest of all “optimizations” of the last twenty years is that savings (and more precisely – with meat torn from the body of the country) money were pumped into the purchase of green cut paper called “dollar”, and much of Russia’s territory simply vanished. You ask: how is it connected?+ Well. I’ll answer.

Кто и зачем убивает село?
Have long been noted: if the village school closes, the village dies quietly in the next few years. Over the past five years, the number of rural schools in Russia decreased by 37%. The reduction of the rural population is a common problem of Russia. And, of course, it would be absurd to assume and accuse, for example, specifically the regional power of Kirsanovsky in some zlomislic, the elimination of the Russian village. And anyway, you can ask a question: whether there not mixed up cause and effect? Perhaps this is not the village dies after the closure of schools and reduction in the number of villagers – especially children! – leads to the fact that the school becomes “unprofitable”? Yes, and “optimization”, “finalizate” and other zation of rural schools is not something that is not regional, it’s not even regional, but rather a nationwide problem that appeared simultaneously with the transatlantic epidemic of yellow buses that de needs to comfortably transport students from outlying areas into comfortable large “base” school, but in reality steal from each child from one hour to three hours daily.

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Doubt there’s any fact. Can any education be “profitable” in a purely financial basis? No. No, no and no! School in principle is, by definition, does not and can not bring short-term income – if it’s not a private College for the children of millionaires, and even then unlikely. If you start to look for ways to save on schools, then this savings will backfire is not very fast, but deadly. And a savings of millions or even billions may well go on the sepulchral monument to the entire state, inspired by the idea of “optimization”. A way – finding financial benefits in the education, whatever the benefits, is flawed and dangerous. The first “Hey!” I called. Or rather – two. It is the destruction of the village – the one who since childhood is constantly leaving him, and feels no attachment to him, will not return there for ever, as an adult – and gobbling up children’s time in endless tedious journeys. But that’s not all, alas.

Кто и зачем убивает село?

Catastrophic decline in the level of education in the country – and it is catastrophic or not. – particularly affects rural children. Just, again, because they spend a lot of time on the road with one hand, and with another – it is very difficult to teach something the child, in whose head was the constant thought (often on the background of lack of sleep) that we need to get home for 20-40 kilometers. Of course, this is not the main reason that modern schoolchildren on their knowledge failed to reach the schoolchildren of the same age last about as a newbie to the student. The main reason is that our education actually became a field for experiments of some of the maniacs – there’s no other word that managed to turn the world’s best students in semi-literate (this is not an exaggeration) and a superstitious rabble, having no idea about discipline (which means nothing in this life is not able to achieve). The main reason that still has not cancelled the exam and not subjected to court – not just condemnation, but to the court! – all those who designed and pushed this killer idea, and continues to protect her still, despite the obvious evidence.

Кто и зачем убивает село?

But, again, for rural children this is exacerbated by isolation from the homeland and the endless waste of time. Hence, there is offensive, completely erroneous story “dull” children from the village. The village disappeared interlayer teachers as bearers of culture and authority. Of course, this is due, again, not only to the closure of schools. Educators (teachers call them is not necessary, it is historically very clearly defines the teachers are slaves, serve the masters “in the field” supervision of children) have become one of the most faithful servants of power. They are so firmly taken in a budget vise that even could not even fathom the greatness of his profession, im just not up to it any such thoughts are buried under mounds of papers and die under economic pressure.

Кто и зачем убивает село?

Teachers meekly and obediently carry out any initiatives of the power – lead for children political surveillance, implementing schools crazy notions of “tolerance” and “freedom of the child’s personality”, are engaged in risky pedagogical experiment on “advanced Western techniques”, organized Pro-regime mass events, provide moral and financial pressure on parents who serve as informants, in the interests of the guardianship, convey and each other – in competition, in the expectation of the increment in five hundred rubles. And the authority of teachers in the eyes of parents and students is inexpensive. Still, every village school has recently been the center of holidays, human fellowship, and the word of the master weighed a lot in a variety of disputes and even scandals. Now we have nothing, is empty, and wildly in villages without schools.

Кто и зачем убивает село?


Кто и зачем убивает село?

Accommodation in the village for a child smarter and safer, and simply healthier than in the city, especially large ones. Many parents, chasing a kind of “cultural leisure”, literally forcibly put a child in the metropolis, carry on holiday vacation, write in sections, clubs and swimming pools, pay for all of this a lot of money, like being under hypnosis, in full confidence that you are giving your child a “harmonious development” and “security”. Thus, as a rule, and parents and children live in constant fear of transport, maniacs, robbers, bullies etc., etc., moving through life literally bounds from one protected place to another. Then the same parents dragged the same child to a psychologist to treat a whole range of phobias (I don’t even know where he got it!) and to develop independence (help, he nothing can do!).

Кто и зачем убивает село?

Naturally, “help” them, too, for money. The child in the big city breathing the breath should not eat what is not, children massively (talking about dozens of percent!) suffer from allergies and obesity – but he has some mythical “space for development”. When I listen to these parents, I’m starting to think that they are just dreaming or are under hypnosis. (By the way, the authorities of this state of Affairs convenient. And even here the point is not that parents pay for literally every movement of their child. Maybe it’s too conspirological, but I am sure the displacement of people to megacities has as its goal the creation, ultimately, easily controlled territories, inhabited, or rather stuffed, all dependent on “experts” creatures.

Кто и зачем убивает село?

And in place of the former villages often have cottages, where the children of the rich live as children should live: among the living water, freely growing greenery, under a clear sky, breathing normal air and not shaking on every step…) When trying the usual, “nieletnich”, to get parents with children in the village immediately attracted keen interest from our ubiquitous “child rights advocates”. Immediately follows the question about what “parents artificially reduce the level of a child’s life”, and ends it’s not always easy hassle – I know of cases where children from such families were selected.

 Кто и зачем убивает село?

The demolition of the village as the basis of the root system and the symbol of Russia – this is probably the creepiest. Again and again, meeting every summer guests from different places, the summer I show them our village. People to tetanus affects how beautiful those places are, and how little they inhabited. Guests who come from abroad, in General are in shock. One German told me with bitterness that we, Russians, don’t even understand how we are rich and free, because in Germany even just to enter the forest, you have to pay money, to breed the fire – to pay the penalty, to take his son to run into conflict with the tutorship, having domestic animals is to obtain a judicial process with powerful corporations, affecting people “approved and certified foods”. Wild view, as we abandon this immeasurable wealth for the sake of fitness centers, swimming pools with bleach solution and store the abundance washed in a solution of shampoo vegetables and fruits with the taste of the chemical cardboard.

Кто и зачем убивает село?

The village became a place of total unemployment. More precisely, it so did. And this was done on PURPOSE, to even those people who want to stay there or would like to move there, was not able to do simply because then they will be faced with the challenge of how to live – or rather, how to survive? To work only to feed, to live solely in subsistence agriculture is macrovalue sectarianism, and unsafe, and it is for children. I tell you immediately and accurately such examples I have, and nothing good all these settlements kadrosuyla-ogreode and other anastasiaweb not contain or bear, however much they may talk about “closeness to nature”. To farm is almost impossible for the farmers in Russia do not live and survive, in which only tricks and extreme measures do not rush to stay afloat and still sinking. Because NO farmer in Russia to have a really profitable sector, while the WTO and there are no closed borders for Grosnyj products. NOT, the natural conditions are as follows. Our village and our agriculture is basically the same unprofitable and unprofitable.

Кто и зачем убивает село?

But giving them massive and continuous support is the refusal of food security of the country… Well from the security! If someone has the word “village” there is a picture buried in the Windows in the ground storey of houses under the low roofs along the dusty curve of the path, I have to slightly disappoint the skeptics. Dozens of times I have seen abandoned blocks of flats, which had gas and water. Saw once a wonderful asphalt road on which stopped going, and they ruined sprouted through a grass.

Кто и зачем убивает село?

Seen burnt corps schools, locked with a rusty lock with a crooked clubs and oblezshie classified ads, abandoned playgrounds around private gardens, dead of a water tower and a huge empty space machinery yards and farms. And they were – of the village. Places where you can live no less convenient than in the city, and work was at hand. Now all this is dead. Euthanized! Yes, the outflow of people from the villages began during the Soviet era. I don’t know what it was, – somebody’s ill-conceived policy or, on the contrary, it is deliberate sabotage, creating the image of the village as retarded, deaf, uncivilized places, where only and run.

Кто и зачем убивает село?

The village was killed but not when the “damned commies”. Killed, plundered and ravaged Russian village was the rule of the “Democrats”. Just because it was dangerous for them, and not because of his “economic unprofitability”. The village feeds the country. The village had bound the people to their native land. The village gave their children a healthy childhood. All that was unbearable “hagarism” (forgive me, Arkady Petrovich Gaidar!) and cubical, all this anti-Russian frenzy in the government.

 Кто и зачем убивает село?

Now trying to convince me that the destructive processes in the village are only “due to inertia”. The authorities have long recognized the importance of the village for the state and “turned to face him”. Everything will improve soon. Perhaps the person living in Moscow, this will be able to convince. Maybe he didn’t even have to force yourself to do it is to believe. I just go through a twenty minute stroll on foot to see, to put it mildly, the insincerity of these statements. What’s more – rapidly repeat the fate of villages and small towns, including my own, finally…But this is, as they say, another story.

O. Vereshchagin

Кто и зачем убивает село?

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