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The experience of the Second world war is quite applicable in modern conditions Recently Russia’s strategy in the field of security has undergone significant changes. Unlike past years, now Russia has much more military-technical assistance to other countries in the fight against international terrorism. This is well illustrated by the …

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Spying on employees: Big companies become spy Bureau

  Walmart, Credit Suisse and others in control of personal life   Modern technologies allow employers to monitor not only employees ‘ productivity, but also to predict important events and decisions in the lives of his subordinates — and to use this information. In February it became known that large …

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Psychologists: to lose weight, you should eat blindfolded

The consumption of food with a blindfold not only sharpens your other senses, but can also promote weight loss. This was stated by German scientists who conducted the study. According to the results of the experiment revealed that the blindfold while eating helped me to eat less. In addition, people …

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Employee of a Russian Bank admitted “criminal conspiracy”

The accused, according to investigators, collected the data for the foreign intelligence Service of the Russian Federation Yevgeny Buryakov, an employee of one of the well-known Russian banks, admitted in an American court in “criminal conspiracy”. According to the investigation, he and two of his accomplices, Igor Sporyshev and Victor …

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The compassion of passers-by helps to Rob banks

The people of Croatia, not knowing it, helped the disabled the raider to take out from the Bank loot. According to TASS, the robber in a wheelchair with the help of the Bank’s customers, as well as bystanders almost got rich on 50 thousand Croatian kunas (about 6,7 thousand dollars). …

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Vneshprombank declared bankrupt

The Moscow arbitration court declared bankrupt the only top-40 in Russia by assets. It is reported by RIA Novosti. Thus the court found reasonable requirements of the Central Bank insolvency of the credit institution. The representative of the regulator said in the courtroom that the obligations of Vneshprombank at the …

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The Central Bank expects credit growth in the regions

The CBR is waiting for loan growth in the regions. This follows from “the Review of regional credit markets” that was published by the regulator. So, the Central Bank is confident that in the majority of subjects the demand for loans from both corporate and private borrowers in the near …

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