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Psychologists: to lose weight, you should eat blindfolded

Психологи: чтобы похудеть, надо есть с завязанными глазами

The consumption of food with a blindfold not only sharpens your other senses, but can also promote weight loss. This was stated by German scientists who conducted the study.

According to the results of the experiment revealed that the blindfold while eating helped me to eat less. In addition, people with closed eyes tended to overestimate the amount eaten.

To participate in the experience attracted 90 students on a voluntary basis. They were asked to eat three ice creams of different flavors. Half of the participants had to rate the taste and texture of ice cream before answering questions about how much, in their opinion, the ice cream they ate and how full they felt. The other half of participants was to be held the same job while wearing a special ski goggles that plunged them into darkness.

Students with closed eyes ate 9% less ice cream than those who could see the food. Moreover, people who saw the ice cream during its use, overestimated the amount of food eaten by 33%, while the subjects who have such an opportunity missed – 88%.

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