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Experts confirm high level of mortality from tuberculosis in Russia

The experts of the Foundation of independent monitoring “Health” note that morbidity and mortality from tuberculosis in Russia remains at a high level, which requires health authorities quickly, including in the field of provision of medicines of patients. According to the Director of the Fund “Health”, member of Public chamber …

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VSSK “Exhaust” – quiet large-caliber sniper rifle 12.7 mm

Sniper rifle VSSK “Exhaust” was developed in 2002 and first presented at the Russian exhibition “INTERPOLITEX-2005”. The main purpose of sniper rifles is low noise and flameless defeat of hardened targets (vehicles and other unarmored equipment, manpower in heavy body armor or hiding in vehicles, etc.) at ranges up to …

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As lent is injurious to health

  The acute diseases, hormonal disorders and depression — the doctor told me “Yoda” about how the human body suffers from during lent From 14 March to 30 April the Orthodox Great lent: we must strictly limit themselves in food — no meat, fish, milk, eggs and alcohol. Many, even …

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Masculinity was called the cause of the short life

Photo: Andrey Arkusha / Russian Look / Globallookpress.com Psychologists from Rutgers University found that courageous people are less likely to go to the doctor. Scientists believe that this is one of the reasons why men live less than women. Press release available on the official siteoverview. The researchers found that …

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The hornet’s nest

Since the annexation of Crimea, two years had passed, and the grouping of the Russian armed forces on the Peninsula has been significantly upgraded. Specially for the anniversary of the referendum on Crimea’s status (he was 16 March 2014) “Tape.Roux” tried to bring together the data of open sources, to …

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All the world against terrorists!

19 February, President of the Federal office for the protection of the Constitution (BfV) Hans-Georg Maassen (Hans-Georg Maaßen) has announced that intelligence agencies in 30 European countries in the first half of this year will create a common platform for the exchange of information on combating Islamic terrorism. Such a …

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My fourth egg

In the army counting the days until I was ordered, in prison before possible PAROLE, but everyone knows the term, and when it should end. In the hospital harder, there few people know the term and not all strive to bring. Spent on bed days could have been lost in …

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