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As lent is injurious to health


The acute diseases, hormonal disorders and depression — the doctor told me “Yoda” about how the human body suffers from during lent

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From 14 March to 30 April the Orthodox Great lent: we must strictly limit themselves in food — no meat, fish, milk, eggs and alcohol. Many, even far from religion, people take it as an easy way to lose weight and “clean up” the body. The candidate of medical Sciences Vasily Savin explains why this approach can be very dangerous.


“I want to lose weight, and in the post to make it easier all around seems like the same meat do not eat” — such explanations are constantly. Only here especially postroynevshaya not added, and it is clear why: people lose weight from change lifestyle — less calories and more movement — and from the transition to a reasonable food intake, but fasting is this transition to is not reasonable. So the maximum that can relieve the person is 1-2 extra pounds will return as fast after a forced diet is over. If you ate meat every day, and then suddenly switched to solid pasta, bread, cereals and vegetables — on the contrary this can lead to gain weight because the body simply will be unable to digest such amounts of fiber. This does not promote weight loss, so don’t take fasting as a diet — not only is he unable to become it, but also can lead to some not so pleasant consequences.




The biggest problem of fasting from a medical point of view — a sharp change of eating habits, which play an important role in the life of any person. This stress on the body — during the carnival you ate his pancakes all week and indulged in alcohol, and now suddenly go on a vegan diet. The organism used to secrete enzymes to process certain foods, but when it disappears, they continue to be produced, but not used. Hence a lot of health problems: stomach — up to peptic ulcer disease, liver, immune system, General health. If it really wants to fast, then this should plan ahead and not make such sudden movements: your body will not appreciate this. We, the doctors, not against moderate diets, but only in one case: if a healthy diet a person gets a long period of time, and the transition to a diet — smooth to the body as the inertial system can adapt to new conditions.



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If you have any chronic diseases, it is better not to risk it — fasting can aggravate them, we know plenty of cases of people in hospital was hit from behind special zeal. And even if you consider yourself perfectly healthy, but suddenly picked up some sort of infectious disease or even a slight cold, tired at work, I feel that the body is weakened and the condition worsens — the post should be abandoned. Also should not be fasting for pregnant women and children — this can lead to unpredictable consequences.




Have to say the obvious, but unfortunately, no matter how much I take, not all take seriously: spring is generally the most dangerous time for the human body. Beriberi, a long absence of the sun and heat all affect it negatively. It was during this period especially important to eat a variety of foods, not to sit on the vegetarian menu, one absorbing the bread and water. The depleted state of the body and so great, and rejection of proteins and iron, which we get, for example, with meat, is able finally to finish it off. In immunocompromised people frequent hormonal disorders, and they lead to psychotic disorders. It just seems that so funny to joke about growing in the spring of mental illness — all this is really happening, and post, as any sudden change in their traditional way of life that can still spur. Even a healthy person, getting in a situation with such forced constraints, is able to fall into depression, and only in people who are prone to neuroses, generally large chances. Incidentally, this is a General problem of our people: first to drink all year before losing momentum, then start to play the Christians. End games such hospitalization in different offices, one to the cardiologist with cardiovascular problems, who is a psychiatrist, get rid of nervousness.



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And even if the whole period of the rejection of the usual diet was normal for humans, without critical situations, to rejoice early: the out of the post is worse than the entrance. The body is only adapted, only to have forgotten what a serious load, and tuned instead of fried meat to digest raw vegetables, how the person organizes another stressor. It’s Easter — everyone starts to arrange nature outings, and there lying down on eggs, kebabs and alcohol. This is another shock for the body, and it can undermine already weak health. So if you have fasted the whole time, try and exit this process gradually. And the main thing — do not turn off the mind: it would be nice to remember that fasting, in addition to religious, there are other reasons. Our ancestors ate less in the spring for obvious reasons: their food was determined seasonality — stocks of products finished during the winter, there are limitations. And the animals didn’t eat because he should be still useful in the economy. Now — other times, and the economy, and the human body are used to a different existence, so decisions need to be guided not imposed by tradition and common sense.

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