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6 main mistakes in the transition to proper nutrition

6 главных ошибок при переходе на правильное питаниеHealthy lifestyle and proper nutrition — the key to a beautiful figure and pleasant appearance.

Proper nutrition must meet the needs of the body energy and to provide the necessary minimum of carbohydrates, proteins (including all essential amino acids) and fats (including essential fatty acids).

Minerals (including trace elements), vitamins and sufficient water is also needed by the body.

Excessively low calorie content — a common mistake. Eager to get quick results pasniki many resort to strict calorie restriction. On the Internet I often come across a diet girls in 250-500 calories a day!!! Such severe restrictions in calorie will burn fat more quickly than in a regular diet. The body is smarter than we are. With such a huge deficit your metabolism will slow down, the motor activity will fall, worse even the brain (which is very typical for papanikos). And it’s not even that it is very harmful. Kickbacks after such a monstrous diet. After throwing 5 kg then gain 10. After throwing 10 kg up to 20. In this degraded the digestive tract, internal organs, and disturbed hormonal balance. Very hard then the body to recover.

The main mistake of Pechnikov — they often do not consider the caloric content of your diet. Just eliminating from your diet certain foods you can’t have the assurance that your body receives the required amount of calories. Counting calories without limitations in choice of food — much safer than the rejection of allegedly “harmful” products. He who counts calories and keeps the macro ALWAYS throws off the weight. Those who just sit on “proper nutrition”, but don’t control your calorie intake often DO not lose weight.

A terrible, terrible mistake — rejection of salt and all salty foods. The content of sodium (sodium) in the body of a man approximately 50 -60 g per 70 kg of body weight, approximately 40% is in bone, mainly in extracellular fluid.

Myth number three — you need to eat a lot of protein. This is a typical position — muscles are made of protein, so if you have a lot of protein, it will go ONLY to muscles and not go into fat. It is not so.

Error number two is the excessive reduction of carbohydrates in the diet, up to a full bezuhlivka. Carbohydrates are usually the ignorant people are associated with excess weight and therefore, announced a universal evil. Dropping the carbs, especially simple is the main dietary tool for weight loss. In fact, carbohydrates are the most important and indispensable source of energy for the human body. As simple carbohydrates and complex. The difference in them only in the speed of learning. 50 grams of fast carbs will not make you more fat than 50g of complex carbohydrates. And carbohydrates themselves do not make us fat and dropping the carbs don’t make you skinny.

Mistake number one is to remove fats in the diet to zero. Pasiki usually eat all the skim and fat animal afraid of fire, but be sure to add a spoonful of olive oil because “useful”. Although what distinguishes olive oil from the usual sunflower they don’t know. As I do not know what harmful animal fats. Fear of fat in the environment PP unfounded. Let’s turn to the norms of fat, based on medical recommendations

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