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Why you are not losing weight: top 25 unexpected reasons

Почему вы не худеете: топ-25 неожиданных причинIt would seem that you have switched to a healthy diet and even forgot to think about fried and alcohol, and weight continues to stand still.

Despite the fact that you improve your physical performance, weight is not reduced, and this confuse you. Not to stop halfway to the figure of your dreams, keep in mind, perhaps the weight loss inhibits one or several of the following reasons.

1. You don’t drink the water

Water not only saves the body from dehydration. According to research, it also helps to get rid of extra pounds. A glass of water before a meal will enable you to eat less, and eating foods containing large amounts of water (such as fruits and vegetables) promotes rapid saturation. There is also evidence that drinking cool water can speed up metabolism and reduces the craving for sweet drinks and soda. What is not a reason to start drinking the water?

2. You think walking the dog is enough

A 15-minute walk is definitely better than lying on the couch, but to expect a substantial loss in weight is not worth it. You will have to step it up a notch, to double the amount of time spent and to train at least half an hour a day, would be the best cardio: running, Cycling, and interval training.

3. You eat too much healthy food

Nuts, avocados, whole wheat pasta, olive oil and dark chocolate are all this wonderful, useful, etc., but they are not deprived of calories. For example, in one avocado contains over 200 calories, so be sure to monitor the amount eaten.

4. Do you prefer cardio

If you don’t go off track, but do not undertake a dumbbell, you’re missing out. Apart from the fact that strength training to avoid injuries, strengthening joints, improving metabolism due to which body burns calories long after your workout ends.

5. You exercise on an empty stomach

According to several studies, training on an empty stomach is ineffective in terms of fat burning, because in this case the calories are burned by muscle, not fat. Snack before exercise will not only burn more fat, and not muscle, but will give strength for a long workout.

6. You don’t measure your portions

A balanced diet necessarily includes a measurement of the amount of food you consume. Use measuring cups, not to overeat, it is also very important to listen to your body and do not miss the signal of saturation, when it is possible to defer the plug and do more important things.

7. You eat without thinking

Eat in front of the computer or TV? In vain! If one is not distracted from eating, there is a chance to concentrate on food and eat less. When we are passionate about something besides food, we don’t even realize the amount of food eaten.

8. You do not eat Breakfast

Many people mistakenly believe that skipping Breakfast creates energy deficit. In fact, this is true, but we should not forget that the body enters into starvation mode and not in a hurry to part with fat. Those who do not skip Breakfast, break up with the fat much easier. Therefore do not skip the first meal, he in the morning starts the metabolism. Best proteins for energy and fiber to stay full longer.

9. You don’t use a knife

Sometimes you can cope with overeating, simply cutting food into small pieces. This may sound childish, but according to research, small portions seem more attractive, and consequently, we eat much less food.

10. You don’t keep a food journal

Writing down what you eat in a day, you’ll be able to track the number of calories consumed. According to the study, which involved 123 women, those who kept food diary lost more kilograms than those who did not lead diary.

11. You still drinking soda

Sweet drinks do not do any good, even if you only drink beverages labeled “diet”, it is a real crime against a slender figure.

12. You are not eating

Not fast, trying to keep the calories for later. This not only affects metabolism, but, most likely, dinner will be hunger so that overeating will be difficult to avoid. Fasting is not only not suitable for successful weight loss, but also can lead to unnecessary snacking between meals.

13. You do not leave time for rest

Stress encourages to eat more sweet and fat, so don’t forget to relax and unwind. Food (within reason, of course!) you can substitute dancing or shopping, what more favorable impact on mood, and figure.

14. You eat too many low-fat products

Choosing foods with fewer calories and fat can be deceiving. Often these foods add a lot of salt, sugar or chemical additives to flavor. They are not only less nutritious, but also taste, they seem to be easier, which usually leads to larger portions. Most likely, in the end you consume more calories than if I ate a normal portion of the untrimmed product.

15. You eat only in restaurants

Hike to a favorite restaurant – a great way to relax, but dinner very often includes not only large serving dishes, and dessert. As to count calories at the restaurant is also quite difficult, there is a risk to get out of their daily “budget.” Do not have to deny myself the pleasure of visiting a favorite spot, just the same need to indulge yourself, just next time, divide the dish in half with a friend and order wine instead of water without gas.

16. You yourself never indulge

Small portion of fries and a piece of chocolate cake won’t destroy your diet. According to the study, even if you eat 600 calories more than the daily budget, this will not affect the amount of your waist, of course, assuming that you can not afford this more than once a week.

17. You are wrong to eat after a workout

If lunch time had not yet arrived, a snack after the afternoon training must not contain more than 150 calories for him well suited 100 grams of cottage cheese, a banana or a small handful of nuts.

18. Your partner pulls you off the right path

Super, if you adhere to a healthy lifestyle together, but if your partner’s bad eating habits, your relationship can adversely affect the figure. It is impossible to lose weight if your husband constantly suggests to order takeaway pizza or rolls, to eat ice cream and sleep in the day instead of going to the gym. The compromise will benefit both of you, for example, the next time you go to a restaurant, try to split the snack in half or do without dessert.

19. You completely eliminate one food group

Striking out a whole group of products, you create in the organism the deficit of nutrients, which also leads to the desire to eat everything that will be in the kitchen. Instead of complete exclusion from the diet of carbohydrates, replace your regular pasta to whole grain pasta and reduce the amount of servings. Usually we do not look fat pasta and too large portion.

20. You enough sleep

For early workouts sometimes have to neglect sleep, but sleep is essential for weight loss. Rest is needed to give energy and also for control of appetite: lack of sleep stimulates the hormones that increase the appetite.

21. You are not eating enough vegetables

All need to eat five to seven servings of fruits and vegetables a day, but those dieters that put vegetables at the forefront of your diet, usually lose and preserve weight successfully. Vegetables are a good source of vitamins, they contain very few calories, and which is their part fiber allows for longer maintain satiety.

22. You eat standing up

Eating in front of the refrigerator is not conducive to saving time, but the weight gain completely. In order not to eat too much, better not to eat on the go, and take to eating a special time.

23. You wear clothes that are too large

Loose clothes are very comfortable, but you can forget about how it actually looks like your figure that is not too good impact on motivation. Instead, wear tight clothes to constantly have an idea of his appearance, and it is better to start your day in shape, it motivates to action.

24. You follow the diet only half

When you follow the system Dukan, Atkins or your own nutrition plan, you can’t follow the rules is only half and wait for the results. Follow the rules, or hateful pounds will remain on your waist.

25. You can’t do without additives and sauces

Salad is one of the most useful dishes, but if you add bacon, soft cheese, nuts, dried fruit, and a fat dressing like mayonnaise, you will receive a calorie bomb. Be careful what you add to your salad: croutons 10 add to your dish as much as 100 calories.

24. You follow the diet only half

When you follow the system Dukan, Atkins or your own nutrition plan, you can’t follow the rules is only half and wait for the results. Follow the rules, or hateful pounds will remain on your waist.

25. You can’t do without additives and sauces

Salad is one of the most useful dishes, but if you add bacon, soft cheese, nuts, dried fruit, and a fat dressing like mayonnaise, you will receive a calorie bomb. Be careful what you add to your salad: croutons 10 add to your dish as much as 100 calories.

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