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Weight loss: not so simple

9 mistakes losing weight. How to reduce weight and not to harm health?

In the spring, many exacerbated by the maniacal desire to lose weight to the release. In an effort to gain “beach shape”, some thrown to the winds. The expert told the “AIF” about the most dangerous and useless ways to lose weight.

Похудение: не всё так просто


Похудение: не всё так простоFrom reckless owners of discordant yet forms warns Michael Zeigarnik, dietitian of the highest category, the Executive Director of the National society of dietitians, chief doctor of the clinic “Nutrition and health”, candidate of medical Sciences. So, you’re making a mistake if:


Trying to lose weight on laxatives. Yes, using these drugs is possible time to reduce the weight to 2-4 lbs. And even to get into your favorite jeans a couple of sizes smaller. But… not to lose weight. The fact that a laxative displays the body contents of the intestine and large amounts of water. But a single gram of fat! Acts as an internal laxative enema: first, laxative it enhances the flow in the intestinal lumen of water from its blood vessels, whereby the contents of the digestive organ is softened and quickly leaves. Moreover, if you continue to have fun in the same way — and have to take a laxative after a meal — will start the dehydration and loss of important minerals, primarily potassium. That might even fatal.


Take for the same purpose diuretics. Mechanism of action approximately the same as that in the first case. People intensively expel water from themselves, at the expense of reduced weight. At the same time, since most diuretics much potassium is removed from the body (potassium comes out first, followed by water), there is a risk seriously disrupt the electrolyte balance in the body with all the consequences. To loss of potassium the most sensitive cardiovascular and nervous system.

Hope to find pills that reduce your appetite. In fact, legally of these drugs does not exist today. The last such tablets were made on the basis of sibutramine. He is now banned worldwide and we also. It turned out that by inhibiting certain kinds of receptors in the brain, the pills cause side effect in the form of depression. And depression such force that it was recorded several hundred cases of suicide in patients receiving such drugs. In the end, the manufacturer removed them from production.



Taking any miracle pill for getting rid of fat. For example, on the basis of the substance orlistat. The drug really works, it blocks enzymes that digest fats, so the fats can’t be absorbed and leave the body in the same form, as it were. In the end, the amount of consumed fat is significantly reduced. Kind of good. But there are two pitfalls. First, the side effects of this drug is diarrhea. Fat causes a laxative effect, leaving the intestine. Not dangerous but unpleasant. Second, because fats are not absorbed, is not absorbed and fat-soluble vitamins — A, D, E and K. Therefore, those who long to take this drug, you need to use special forms of these vitamins that can be absorbed without the fat. And, frankly, very much it is an unnatural way of weight loss. Easier to reduce the amount of fat in the diet.


Lean on the so-called “fat burners”. This is pure myth. There are no substances that have the ability to burn fat. Some time ago, these qualities were attributed to bromelain, which many in pineapples. However, this enzyme does not burns fat, but functions similarly to the stomach enzymes that promote the digestion of protein. And it is contribute to, but do not digest. By the way, for the same reason, it is good to eat meat with pineapple — it will be easier to digest. No other mythical tropical products fat also not burn. Fat is burned in the body as a result of certain chemical reactions. The speed and intensity regulated by genes and the body’s need for calories at the moment.


Dream to lose weight, spend hours sweating in the gym or changing your diet. Yes, exercise burns fat. But not the whole. Of those calories, which are burned in the body, only 20% of “go” on our physical activity, and the remaining 80% energy is spent on maintenance of own needs of the body, which generally only genetically programmed. Is the maintenance of body temperature, breathing, blood circulation — all that we have no control. Therefore, it is difficult to lose weight with only exercise.


Start little there, and use any half-starved and mono. If you severely limit yourself in the diet and even fasting, can actually reduce weight. But… the body is smart. And sometimes smarter than its owner. If he realizes that he suddenly has sharply decreased the intake of calories from food (deciding, for example, that just came “hungry time”), then instead of wasting energy on its ongoing activities, it will start those calories to store. Strategically, so to speak. What happens: the woman, reducing caloric intake by 3-4 times, that is eating some unfortunate 400 calories a day instead of the 1800, all these 400 calories it receives in the form of fat reserves. And for energy the body begins to burn everything that comes. Mainly muscle. So greatly disturbed the quality of the skin — the body uses protein to cleave it for energy. But your own body fat it doesn’t splinter, even if there are excess reserves. Because he believes that his “planted in the camp”. So such a sharp restriction in food can cause a totally unexpected result. Plus the normal person can not so all the time to eat. Either he will fall into anorexia, or sooner or later will come out of the hunger strike. And then the body will say “OK, finally gave the food” and starts to store it even harder. You cannot restrict calories below a certain level. And that was not reasonable hungry when reducing calorie diet, you should eat more and more slowly.


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Eliminate the high fat from the diet. Now all the experts come to the conclusion that the most dangerous from the point of view of weight gain, not fats, and carbohydrates. Scientists analyzed how food has changed over the past 100 years. It turned out that after all, we eat a lot of easy carbohydrates (cakes, sweets etc.). And fat much more did not, because before the food was greasy. So obesity is clearly not connected with it. Still, the fact that we eat a lot of sugar.


Decided to eat “Superfoods”. In fact in themselves “Superfoods” are not harmful. Most often it is some herbal products, which ascribe “magical” properties — cacao beans, Goji berries, algae, all kinds of roots and leaves are used in natural form or in the form of juice, powders, extracts. Many of them in various concentrations contains useful substances, making them and promote it. But we should not delude ourselves. First, their wonderful properties are often exaggerated by those who sell them. Secondly, this in no way leads to weight loss. For example, under the form of the exotic Goji berries are often sold very similar berries of barberry. To pay 1 thousand rubles for a handful of barberry — and why? What’s the point? Easier to go to a dietitian that will make up the normal diet of regular food. I always say you can lose weight eating conventional food. Want the artichokes — I’ll include them in the diet, but I can do the usual celery, cabbage and beets, and will have the same effect.

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