Home / Incredible / The role of insects and bacteria is very important in ecosystems

The role of insects and bacteria is very important in ecosystems

Роль насекомых и бактерий очень важна в экосистемах Recent studies conducted by researchers in Germany and Switzerland, proved the unique role of bacteria and insects for the preservation of ecosystems.

As it turned out, these organisms are of primary importance, which has previously been underappreciated and little studied. The researchers studied 150 ecosystems of meadows and pastures of Germany, collecting information about 4600 species of plants. The information obtained has helped to assert the key role of biological diversity in ecosystems.

According to Soliveres Santiago (Santiago Soliveres) from the University of Bern who heads the group of researchers, all scientific work conducted previously in this area had a significant inaccuracy. They were based on the study data about specific groups of organisms. This approach made it impossible to draw the General picture, which would be based on data on the entire ecosystem and gave the concept about the General relationship of each element. The main important discovery of the study is a confirmation of the fundamental values for the life of the existing it ecosystem biodiversity.

Soil fertility is ensured as a result of transformation of chemical elements carried out by microorganisms, plants play a crucial role for the supply of biomass, insects that in turn pollinate the plants. Each link in the chain is extremely important. The current diversity of microorganisms, plants and insects are pledged as security of ecosystem productivity. Any change inevitably affects its activity.

Therefore, according to the scientists, their study should draw attention to the need to preserve and protect existing ecosystems.

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