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These insects are essentially ruining people’s lives. Photo

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Insects can easily be called the most hated human beings on the planet, and for the most part because they are carriers of dangerous illnesses such as malaria, Lyme disease and yellow fever. One particularly relevant to a disease of the modern world is currently spreading rapidly throughout the Western hemisphere, reaching pandemic proportions.

The zika virus was first recorded in monkeys in the forests of Africa and Asia about 70 years ago, in the early 1950s was registered the first case of human infection, and for 60 years, cases were only 15 people. In 2013-14, the city, the virus has spread to the East, in the direction of Oceania and the Pacific Islands. By 2015, it has already reached Mexico, the Caribbean, Central and South America.

More than 1.5 million residents of Brazil have, presumably, infected with the fever, and infants with microcephaly was about 4 thousand. Blame this carrying the disease, the most hated insects known to man.

Fortunately, this is the worst thing that could bring the human insect. Many other creatures in this list are not necessarily deadly to humans. Some destroy the product, causing multimillion-dollar losses every year, while others inflict incredibly painful bites scars that do not heal for several months. And still others are going in a big pack, capable of destroying huge areas of agricultural land for a few days.

In any case, many of us hate those bugs that are also in this list, at every opportunity trying to kill them or rid them from your home. To find out which insects are the most hated person, read on!

25. Common silverfish

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This is one of the oldest creatures living on our planet: their ancestors lived on Earth for over 300 million years ago.

Contrary to popular belief, common silverfish do not bite humans — they are more unpleasant than dangerous. These insects are from the order of deinococcus feed on starch and sugar, so they often live in houses and food warehouses, destroying the products. These little critters are quite durable that they are able to live without food for years.

24. Mexican listblock

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Most people have not heard about Mexican listobloshek, but that does not make it less harmful. Native to southern Asia, this insect is one of the main causes of the disease of citrus, destroying vast citrus groves throughout Florida and California.

Over the last few years Mexican listblock destroyed orange trees, causing damage to agriculture at $ 4 billion.

23. Flea

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Being a true horror for dogs, cats, and man, flea is one of the most hated insects on the Ground. Able to jump so that they will be the envy of any acrobat, fleas can carry a lot of diseases, including Rocky mountain spotted fever and even the tapeworm.

Among the various ways to kill fleas is dipping them under the water evenly on the whole day. If kept slightly less then they might look dead, but really can rise from the dead. Insect-zombie…

22. Bee

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Scientists are shocked and can’t figure out why one of the biggest allies of man — bee disappears. Despite the fact that they pollinate at least 30% of crops, the buzzing of bees and concern about their sharp sting still makes people hate them. Even wasps, which are the genetic ancestors of bees, I hate them, often raiding the hives.

Despite modern man’s attitude to bees, during the period of Aegean civilization, people believed that they are the link between the living world and the afterlife.

21. Ant

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One of the most impressive creatures on the planet. Despite its small size, it is assumed that on the Earth there are up to 22,000 species of ants, which together account for 15-25% of all animals on the planet.

This means that if you collect them all in one pile, it will make up a quarter of the mass of animals living on our planet. With so many and their ability to exploit resources, ants have become a source of trouble in many homes.

20. Midges

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So small that can fit through the window mesh, midges — gnats is with a length of 1-4 mm. are Most known for their bloodlust, while at the same time help to pollinate tropical crops, such as cocoa.

19. Chafer Western

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Perhaps the least known insect in this list, the may beetle West, however, is one of the most hated insects in history. Destroying culture since the middle Ages, these creatures are among the pests of fruit and forest plantations.

18. Beetle

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The beetles pose no immediate threat to the blood or skin of humans, unlike most listed here, but since they make up almost a quarter of all known forms of life, they can be quite nasty.

And although some, such as the ladybug, eat pests, others as well known weevil cotton, can destroy entire crops.

17. Night butterfly, moth

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If this picture you are not scared, most hairy moths can do it easily. Or how about the fact that there is a moth that feeds on human fat?

If you and this is not enough, you will surely not be happy to see flying at you in the night the pavlinoglazka Hercules, wingspan which is 27 cm, which is the largest surface area of any insect.

16. Deer bloodsucker

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Although the main prey of this species are bloodsuckers are deer, they can also bite the dog, causing dermatitis, a horse, causing serious colic (the main cause of premature death in horses), and also the man, leaving a scar from the bite that may not heal for years.

15. Mantis

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“Mantis” is just a term that covers more than 2,400 species of these insects. And although males of a praying mantis more reasons to hate members of their family (or rather, females, from the people, these insects cause at least discomfort.

14. Termite

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Being still useful, consuming decaying plants, termites can be quite annoying, penetrating into the wooden houses and structures.

13. Marble brown stink bug

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This insect is known for its stench. Alarmed or provoked creature shoots from the far back of the torso chemical substance, the smell of which resembles coriander. Some species of this insect are even more disgusting because of substance containing cyanide, which gives it the smell of rotten almonds.

12. Earwig

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Although their hind claws give them a fearsome appearance, earwigs do not actually pose a threat to humans. And talk about what they can get into the ear and to postpone eggs there, makes them even worse, although we all know that’s impossible.

11. Grasshopper

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Although grasshoppers are herbivores, their long calf and feet, as well as the ability to quickly and unexpectedly jump into an unknown area is scary to a large number of people.

Similar to grasshopper locust (and for most people it is almost one and the same insect), forming flocks numbering up to hundreds of millions of animals that could destroy vegetation over vast areas. The largest locust infestation was recorded in 1875 the locusts formed a swarm on the 2900 km long and 180 km wide.

10. The mosquito Tolstonogov

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This insect is short-lived, but extremely loving: all 80 hours of his life, the male tries to release the female. So they got the name “lovebug” in the English version.

He who travelled at least once by car on the South-Eastern part of the United States, has serious reasons for hatred of these insects. Millions of these creatures (in coupled state) remain on the front glass of the car.

9. Caterpillar Nettle Caterpillar

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She may look cute and fluffy, but actually has a rather unpleasant feature: if you touch her, then the hairs will stand out a substance that can cause intense and painful burning sensation that can be alleviated only a few hours.

8. Bedbug

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The man has enough reasons to hate this creature, although it is also the object of hatred among their relatives-males. The fact is that male bed bugs are sexually attracted to any new bedbug, be it male or female. The danger for males is that their abdomen is not so thick as females to protect them from tiny, needle-like penis. A massive infestation of bed bugs, say like the smell of rotting raspberries.

7. Head lice

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The scourge of children everywhere, head lice each year infects of the order of 6-12 million people in the US. Although no known cases of louse transmission of any disease, except themselves, which are transmitted by close contact, they, in General, are harmless to humans.

Currently under study, in which scientists want to understand whether there is natural immunity in humans with head lice, more dangerous body lice (which is known to be a carrier of the disease). But, I think, is not the study that would like to participate each of us.

6. Horseflies

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A bite from a horsefly can be very painful to humans, sometimes causing shortness of breath and dizziness. People hate these creatures from generation to generation. Threatening factor is that they can be carriers of anthrax, infecting cattle and sheep.

5. Cockroach

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Being one of the few creatures that can survive nuclear Holocaust, cockroaches are ancient insects living on Earth for more than 320 million years.

Cockroaches is surprisingly durable enough to go without air for 45 minutes and can live without food for months.

4. OSA

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This aggressive owner of a sharp sting scares people everywhere. Wasps often bite in late summer — as soon as the uterus stops to display a new offspring and wasps workers go in search of food.

To avoid becoming a victim of the bite of the OS, try to just avoid them. If you start waving his arms, trying to fend them off, the effect will be the opposite.

3. Flour harusaki

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If you are afraid of cockroaches, these creatures are to be feared even more. Hated these tiny pests are able to withstand greater levels of radiation than cockroaches, and resistant to the constantly growing list of insecticides.

2. Chimney

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The name of this insect is already talking about the fact that a person need be afraid of him. Having a large curved proboscis, chimney injected into their deadly saliva, sihumol her insides which are then sucked. What remained of the devastated insect, these bugs are then used for hunting his next victim.

If they bite a person (usually near the lips), the reaction is extremely painful and can even require medical assistance.

1. The mosquito

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Easy took first place in the list of most hated insects, mosquitoes kill more people than any other animal on the planet.

Well known as carriers of malaria and yellow fever, they have also become the cause of an epidemic of zika virus that swept South America.

Most mosquitoes are attracted to pregnant women, people with shortness of breath, with the I-th group of blood, with increased sweating, high body temperature. Unfortunately for some families, the attraction for mosquitoes is also affected by genetic factors.

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