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Genetically modified foods (GMO foods)

Геномодифицированные продукты (ГМО продукты)

Genetically modified organisms — the subject of heated debates of the last two decades. As they receive and what benefits from this extract, what are the consequences of the use of GMOs wpisu person — very difficult questions. Do you need to protect yourself from products with a modified genome, and if necessary, how?

To begin with the repetition of school material in biology. Now difficult find man who would not know that all living organisms are built of cells. In most cells of multicellular organisms have the steering element-containing nucleic acid (DNA, RNA). Using nucleotides from which these nucleic acids are composed, contains all the genetic code that determines the sequence of amino acids in synthesized proteins. Genes programming the emergence of new proteins that determine all the characteristics of the whole organism. It is therefore important to maintain genome in one piece, because the fragile structure of DNA can disrupt many factors: random mutation, electromagnetic and radioactive radiation, bacteria and viruses.

Now, the aforementioned list of added genetically modified organisms, the consequences of the use of which in food can be unpredictable.

Is it dangerous to eat GMO food?

List of dangers of genetically modified organisms:

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  • The high content in the products of the chemicals used in the processing of cultural plantings. Most GM plants are resistant to chemical treatment, so agribusinesses do not skimp on spraying poisons against pests and weeds.
  • For some GMOs use overactive viral particles transporting to the manufacturer the required gene into the cell, which then get into our body and disrupt the normal functioning of the genome, which could trigger the activation of unwanted genes. In the end, the change in the translation of the genes can lead to cancer, previously missing allergies and other health problems.
  • Proteins derived from GMOs, may be indigestible, unusual for our gastrointestinal tract. Sometimes they can cause allergies, but even if undigested particles without consequences pass through the digestive tract, they become the prey of the intestinal microflora that provokes intense proliferation of pathogenic bacteria.
  • Especially dangerous allergic reactions to products of GMOs, manufacturers of which combine genome, without reporting the sources of genes for modification (as in the well known case of soybean, which was introduced protein genes of Brazil nuts).
  • Fairly common practice of grafting the cultivated plants of genes that reduce sensitivity to antibiotics. Getting into our bodies, these proteins are able to increase the stability of pathogenic (Staphylococcus aureus) and opportunistic (Escherichia coli) bacteria to different types of antibiotic drugs.
  • Genetically modified soy contains high content of phytoestrogens — hormones of vegetable origin that adversely affect the reproductive system, reproductive function, menstrual cycle and even the fetus in the mother’s body. Once in the body GMO, phytoestrogens increase the concentration of estrogens in 5-14 times higher than normal, which can disrupt calcium homeostasis, the processes of hematopoiesis and malignant processes occur with subsequent degeneration to cancer. Because of the phytoestrogens special attention should be given to products that nourish the children, because they have hormonal changes can have more serious consequences.
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    The danger of continuous consumption of GMOs in the composition unambiguously confirmed by modern scientific research, although the impact of genetically modified material in our body difficult to see.

    The harm of GMOs to humans and the environment

    Genetically modified organisms can not only harm human health but also disturb the ecological balance of the environment. Resistance of transgenic plants (rice, soybean, sunflower and corn to herbicides leads to the fact that they can start reproducing out of control and to cope with them farmers will be hard.

    Moreover, these genes can be transmitted to weeds growing in one area with similar plants, and there are cases when a crossbreeding of several types of modified canola gave a hybrid that defies destruction by any of the known chemicals. This plant behaves as a weed, occupying the whole available area, and to get rid of it is impossible to chemical or natural methods. Because genetically modified crops are also unique resistance to insect pests. If such plants occupy a large area, and their waste products – pollen, fruit, nectar, and leaves and stems are inedible and even toxic to insects, upset the balance of the ecosystem, which leads to a reduction of species diversity of our Planet. So, the journal Nature published an article which reported about the threat of extinction for the monarch butterfly. What prompted this threat? Pollen from transgenic corn, which turned out to be poisonous not only to pests, but caterpillars of the monarch butterfly.

    Long-term effects of disturbances of the ecological balance it is difficult to foresee – for example, the German zoologist Hans CAAC found that the pollen of modified turnips caused mutations in symbiotic bacteria living in the stomach of bees. In the longer term, it may even lead to the disappearance of bees as a species, with negative consequences for the person. Of course, in natural conditions all the species are forced to adapt to each other and evolve according to changing conditions. Some species disappear and new ones emerge, occupying the same ecological niche. However, in nature this process happens very slowly, and the artificial interference in the functioning of the ecosystem can lead to loss of the ecological chain, which could trigger a global catastrophe.

    The danger genmodificirebuli plants in the fact that keeping them under full control and to prevent them from spreading further allocated to them practically impossible. Plants that are pollinated by wind, can be opylene pollen from fields planted with GMO-potatoes or corn. Almost all the test batches of farmers who grow exclusively natural products, discovered GM organisms, even in minimal quantity. GMO plants pose a serious threat to species, which became their ancestors. This means that in the absence of total control by the state and the individual, natural vegetables and cereals may simply disappear as a species. Then humanity will remain, and everyone will be forced to consume GMO products, he wants it or not.

    Modified corn, tomatoes and tobacco can produce a special substance – lignin, threat to the beetles pests. For a person by itself, lignin is not dangerous, but in the process of digestion it is broken down to methanol and toxins of the phenol series. Phenols cause severe intoxication, which manifests itself dizziness, nausea, fever, aching joints and other symptoms. In addition, phenols mutagenic, and hence can contribute to the emergence and growth of malignant tumors.

    Methanol, a Monohydric alcohol, a deadly threat for human health, which can lead to visual impairment up to complete blindness.

    Transgenic crops are also hazardous for their capacity to accumulate herbicides, the most popular glyphosate. This chemical is widely used in the agricultural sector, despite its toxicity and harm to health. Glyphosate can accumulate in the tissues, blood and internal organs, that has been proven in experiments on experimental animals. Excreted glyphosate as another well-known pesticide DDT through the milk of nursing mothers that endanger the health of the child. In addition to the symptoms of intoxication, the accumulation of glyphosate leads to the formation of benign and malignant tumors, since the chemical has carcinogenic properties.

    Transgenic tobacco, rice and sugar beet can not only accumulate toxic herbicides, but also may produce substances that contribute to their increased yield, but when injected into the human body provoke an uncontrolled growth of cells that give rise to tumors.

    GMOs and allergies

    The ability of GM food to provoke atypical allergic reactions due to the presence of mutated proteins in the modified plants. Thus, changes in the genotype of species can cause specific protein, which our body is perceived as alien and cause allergies. These proteins appear in transgenic food plants is not accidental – they provide resistance to bacteria, insects and pesticides. Accordingly, the genotype specially modificeres thus to increase its yield, and the presence of specific, unnatural proteins in these crops it is necessary. But what does that mean for humans?

    With the advent in the markets of Europe and the United States of gene-modified products, many children began to suffer from peanut allergies, unusual for the previous generation. These allergies not only injurious to health and normal functioning of the body, but also poses a serious threat to life. Not all Allergy symptoms or poisoning to alien proteins are obvious for humans – many of the symptoms are quite universal. So, chronic fatigue, recurring headaches, irritable bowel syndrome and nervousness people blamed on the effects of daily stress, although the reason for this may be a reaction to sausages from genetically modified soybean, or GM milk.

    Modified soy can produce more protein due to introduction of the gene of Brazilian nuts. But further studies have banned such modification because increased incidence of allergic reactions to soy and other products in people who allergies not previously suffered

    Proteins transgenic plants, providing resistance to insects (substances that are toxic to caterpillars, beetles and other pests) can be poisonous to humans. The most dangerous influence they have on the enzyme system of man, making these foods indigestible. The remains of GM foods containing foreign proteins, are retained in the digestive tract can accumulate in the gut, organs and tissues. Thus, the toxins pollute the body, contributing to asthma, psoriasis, eczema, urticaria and other diseases.

    Hidden GMOs in foods

    GMOs may be present even in products where suspect their existence difficult. So, sweet soft drinks, which, it would seem, only water, sugar, carbon dioxide, and a set of flavours and flavour enhancers, GM organisms nowhere to hide. However, these same flavoring and aromatic additives, which are disguised as many “E” can be made on the basis of GM organisms. So, for example, or additive E101 Riboflavin, which is often present in the cookies, carbonated drinks, juices and baby food can be produced with GM microorganisms.

    Soy lecithin is used in infant formula, biscuits, chocolate and virtually all factory sweets to bind together oil and water. Marked as E322, is made from genetically modified soybeans.

    Caramel, which is included in virtually all of the sweets, labeled as Е150 and can be produced with the participation of GM organisms. So, it is made on the basis of glucose syrup based on corn (which, as mentioned earlier 90% of cases genetically modified). The same applies to xanthan (food additive under the number Е415), which is present in vegetable and fruit puree for baby food, ice cream, desserts of yoghurt, marmalade, jam and other products, where it acts as a thickener. It is produced by fermentation bacteria on a glucose syrup, which, again, made from modified corn.

    Glucose syrup may be present in the composition in pure form, as is a common sweetener in desserts, snacks, cookies, cakes and biscuits. And the manufacturer does not indicate the presence of GMOs in the composition, but because of the huge volume of production and the ubiquity of its application it is clear that the transgenic corn was used.

    Other hazardous additives: soybean oil (almost all the sauces, fish and meat canned food, tomato paste), maltodextrin (the analogue of starch, present in all powder product, whether soluble soups, mashed potatoes and mixes for baby food), vegetable fat (they are fried cookies, chips and other snacks, in addition to the GMO threat by the content of TRANS fats).

    It is clear that choosing natural products, you in 99% of cases you will stumble on GMOs in a particular ratio. So the only way to reduce the number of modified organisms in your food is to choose simple and natural food, the composition and origin of which can be controlled.

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