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Scientists: Women and sexuality remain after 70 years

Ученые: Женщины сохраняют сексуальность и после 70 летWomen retain their sexuality even in old age.

Scientists from the North American society of menopause in the course of research established that female sexuality is preserved in the elderly.

According to them, the desire to reach the fair sex is not lost to 70 years.

Although many people believe that with age, the sexual attraction disappears and sexual life are less interested in humans, but researchers argue to the contrary. Libido persist in women up to 79 years, and sometimes longer.

Scientists explain this by the fact that the human body remembers everything that happens to him throughout life, because of the intimate life affected by different factors. First and foremost, it’s a big load, lack of sleep and stressful situation. In this case, the old body reminds about the rest.

The lack of personal life adversely affects the female body at any age, leads to health problems, because in old age the necessary closeness, as well as in his younger years. It can be a source of energy for an elderly person.

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