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What happens to us during sleep

What happens to our body during sleep (25 photos)

Despite the fact that during sleep our body is resting, it takes a lot of interesting processes, speech about which will go next. The more interesting of these processes is doing something that most of them we cannot control.

Body temperature falls

Since most muscles are inactive during sleep, the body burns fewer calories than during the day, and the body temperature falls. Scientists have found that the body temperature is usually lowest around 2:30 in the morning.

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The eyes move

Though his eyes are closed in sleep for centuries, they move underneath them. In fact, such a movement even varies depending on the specific stages of sleep.

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The body twitches

Sudden twitches and jerks are mostly associated with the first stage of sleep. They are usually harmless, but they can be strong enough to actually Wake the man.

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The muscles are relaxed

There is a good reason why most of the muscles during sleep relaxed. If they were active, then the person would move during sleep that would be extremely dangerous.

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The skin is restored

The top layer of skin consists of tightly Packed dead cells which are constantly discharged throughout the day. During sleep the metabolic rate of the skin is accelerated and in many cells of the body begins increased activity and reduced breakdown of proteins. Since proteins are needed for growth and repair of damage from factors such as ultraviolet radiation, deep sleep has beneficial effects on the skin.

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The brain forgets useless information

People take in all day for an insane amount of information. If they remembered it all, soon would have gone crazy. That is why at night, the brain sorts information and forget about the junk.

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The throat narrows

Unlike most other muscles, throat muscles are not paralyzed during sleep, as they needed to breathe. However, during sleep they relax, causing the throat narrows. It can also cause snoring.

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The body produces hormones

During the stage of NREM sleep the body produces hormones that stimulate growth, cell reproduction and cell regeneration. It is an important regulator of the immune system.

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The immune system is at a record high level

It has been proven that sleep deprivation negatively affects the immune system. One study showed that people who received flu shots and were deprived of sleep, the next night not produce antibodies necessary to protect against the flu. Therefore, if people noticed the first signs of infection, he should sleep.

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Weight loss

During sleep, a person loses water through sweating and exhalation of moist air. This also happens during the day, but eating and drinking negate any weight loss. Therefore any diet you need a good and long sleep.

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Dry mouth

Because saliva is mainly needed for food, but people do not eat during sleep, the amount of secreted saliva decreases at night. Consequently, the dry mouth, and am often thirsty.

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Gnashing of teeth

Studies estimate that about 5% of people suffer from a bizarre condition known as bruxism. This is reflected in excessive teeth grinding during sleep and can eventually cause damage to the teeth. Scientists are not sure what causes this condition, but they think it may be a form of stress relief.

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The body becomes longer

It was found that the growth of people may increase a few inches in the morning compared to the evening. During sleep in a horizontal position the spine is straightened as the weight of the body presses on it.

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Blood pressure drops sharply

During sleep a person is experiencing any condition which is known as the “night decrease of blood pressure”. On average it falls by night 5 – 7 mm. Hg. article

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From a scientific point of view a disorder known as parasomnias (sleepwalking and other activities while you sleep), include behavior, emotions, sensations, and dreams that usually occur during transitions between certain stages of sleep. Parasomnias are mostly harmless, but there were cases when people were injured during sleepwalking.

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Sexual arousal

Both men and women can become aroused during sleep. When the brain is more active during sleep, it requires more oxygen. As a result, blood flow throughout the body increases, which leads to swelling of the genital organs.

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The content and purpose of dreams are not fully understood, but it is known that the average person has 3 to 5 dreams per night. Dreams mainly occur in the first stage of sleep when the human brain is the most active. However, most dreams are immediately or quickly forgotten.

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The brain makes decisions

A recent study has shown that the brain can process information and prepare for further active actions during sleep, effectively making decisions while unconscious. In fact, the brain may even make important discoveries during sleep.

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Muscles of the anal sphincter slightly weaken during sleep, which facilitates a way out of gases from the intestines. The good news is that the sense of smell is also weakened during sleep.

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Clearing of toxins

Getting rid of toxins allows the body and brain to recuperate. In people who have trouble sleeping, filtering harmful substances are not as effective, so experts say it leads to the fact that people suffering from insomnia, a little crazy.

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The unconscious awakening

Scientific studies have shown that people are waking up many times during sleep, but these awakenings are so short that they can’t remember them. Typically, these spillage occur during the transition periods between the stages of sleep.

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You can stop breathing

Millions of people around the world suffer from a sleep disorder known as “sleep apnea”. A disorder characterized by pauses between breaths while breathing, and each pause may last for several seconds or even several minutes.

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You can hear the explosion

“Exploding head syndrome” is a rare condition in which a person hears a loud imaginary sounds (e.g. bomb blast, firing sound etc.) or having a strange sense of explosion when falling asleep or waking up. It’s painless but scares the sufferer.

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Conversations during sleep

Conversations during sleep is parasomnia in which a person begins to uncontrollably talking out loud during sleep. Such “conversations” can be quite loud and can be as simple babbling sounds, and prolonged, often inarticulate speech.

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Reducing the pain threshold

When the body is completely relaxed to the point of paralysis, the nerves can’t receive pain signals and pass them to the brain. This also explains why people have trouble hearing smells, sounds, etc. during sleep.

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