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Effective ways to improve sleep

Эффективные способы нормализовать сонThere are so many sleep disorders.

But the most frequent is the inability to fall asleep and the inability to Wake up in the morning. Many complain of insomnia – the rhythm of life is accelerated, problems, and stress becomes greater, which can not cause neurosis-like States. And one of the signs of sleep problems.

Not accidentally, worldwide sleeping pills are so popular. But sleeping is a road to nowhere – with their help, occasional sleep disturbances very quickly turn into the classic insomnia when no drugs is not really sleep. How to do without them, and normalize sleep alone:

Physiology help

Without the knowledge of their own physiology is difficult to find her way back to sleep. Another academician Pavlov found that all processes in the body are a combination of the processes of excitation and inhibition. The same applies to falling asleep. Arousal is characterized by activation of the nervous system. Accordingly, increasing pressure, heartbeat, muscle tone increases, the intestines and the stomach start its work. In the brain grows the electrical activity. Needless to say that with the prevalence of processes of excitation becomes sleep in either eye.
Braking, by contrast, is characterized by slower breathing and heart rate, relaxation of muscles, decrease pressure. In the body there are important processes of energy recovery, the accumulation of forces, the right nutrients, healing the damage. Sleep represents the pinnacle of inhibitory processes, namely, the inhibition activity of the cerebral cortex.
On this basis, it is logical to assume that in order to improve sleep and start to fall asleep on time, it is necessary to ensure that the body’s inhibitions began to dominate over excitation. They can try to make himself artificially on their own. But for this we need to understand what person can make a difference in your body and what takes place automatically and cannot be controlled.

What we influence

It turns out that the influence we can not too much. Process regulation of blood pressure and heart rate automatically, and consciously we can not change. But indirectly influence them it is possible, by changing what we can manage. And to control consciously the person may depth and frequency of breathing and muscles. That is, if you deliberately slow down your breath and relax the muscles, it is possible to ensure that the body starts the process of braking. This way many unconsciously used to lower raised pressure, to calm down. You can try to apply it and to facilitate falling asleep.

Method respiratory

To lie comfortably and rhythmically and breathe, realizing the breath between inhalation and exhalation and after an exhale. One should try to breathe shallow, superficial. Attention should be concentrated on breathing, trying to avoid other thoughts. Very quickly the body will begin to turn away from the daily whirlwind, calm down and sleep can come quickly.
Method be even more effective if to connect to it with the second.

Relaxing muscles

In the mid-seventies of the last century it was very popular auditory training, which tried through the repetition of various suggestions in a twilight state to cure the diseases that have a psychosomatic nature. The basis of anger management on the principle of full muscle relaxation, the consequence was the onset of an intermediate between sleep and waking state. Many of trying to practice anger management yourself noted that they do not have time to start to repeat the desired claim, because fell asleep.
It follows a very simple conclusion – in order to sleep, we need to begin to relax all muscle groups. This should be done in the same way as recommended in the methods of anger management – step by step, in sequence, focusing on their actions. First, relax the muscles of the foot right foot, then calf, then thigh of the right leg. Then the same sequence will relax the muscles of the left leg. And so we must act, moving up: the area of the buttocks, abdomen, back, hands, forearms, shoulders, neck, head, face. Typically falling asleep is invisible even before they are relaxed all the muscles.
Sometimes sleep is disturbed because of strong units in the muscles, especially the muscles of the shoulders, neck and head. And relaxation of these areas helps to sleep better than sleeping pills. Informed getting rid of muscle is used now very active in many psychological practices aimed at the improvement of the human condition and normalization of sleep.


To relax muscles and rid them of clamps helps massage. To facilitate the onset of sleep, before sleep massage the neck area, hands and feet. It is important to massage these places efficiently and thoroughly, not missing a single plot. This motion should be slow, rubbing and kneading. This rhythm effects on muscle starts the processes of inhibition in the cerebral cortex, reduces the electrical activity of the brain and soothes, resulting in natural sleep.

Consider whether the elephants

The old way to sleep says that we must begin to consider myself elephants (really anything). It is believed that it gradually turns off the internal monologue of the brain, leads to the disappearance of pop-up thoughts and gradually lulls.
The idea of the principle is true. But this method helps not all and not always. And the reason is simple and lies in the inability to concentrate fully on the process and in the wrong emotional attitude. Items to consider, focusing on expense, it should be easy and irritation-free. If the process starts emotionally colored with irritation and fear of failure, then failure will not fail to occur and the sleep will fail, as the processes of inhibition caused by the monotony of the activities, will face and are offset by the intensification of the processes of excitation from feelings of irritation.

Game eyes

Research into the nature of sleep has shown that fatigue of the eye muscles there is a feeling of drowsiness. Similarly, this condition increases the fatigue of the muscles of the face and neck. Hence, it was concluded that if to create a sense of eye fatigue, the process of falling asleep can be considerably easier.
To do this, simply lying in bed, to look up, eyes, as if trying to see into the center of the forehead and keep the eye muscles in this position longer. Desire to relax your eyes and sleep will not be slow in coming.
You can do the following exercise: relax the muscles of the face and throat, and his eyes drop down, as if looking inward. This will quickly relax the body and promote restful sleep.

Should we be afraid of sleep disorders?

Many people, after experiencing difficulties falling asleep, you start to panic and think that they have insomnia. Fear of a repetition of this same situation makes them nervous before going to sleep the next day, which of course will lead to the fact that the process of excitation will begin to predominate over the inhibition and sleep will not succeed. Thus is formed a vicious circle and suffering health. Insomnia is the handiwork of man. As a result, he grabs the drugs and lose the ability to fall asleep naturally without drugs. Restore normal sleep patterns after use of hypnotics and other psychotropic substances is extremely difficult.
The conclusion is: better not to start to use a medication for sleep. And fear of insomnia is not worth it.
The best way to restore healthy sleep – afford not to sleep when sleep in either eye, and not to worry about that dream didn’t come on time. The human body is a complex self-organizing and self-healing system. Accordingly, malfunctions are possible. But if you do not panic and do not rush immediately to remove their tablets, they go away.
If you do not want to sleep – don’t sleep. Lying in bed this does not necessarily or even harmful. Man begins to toss and turn, annoyed, to angry, to scared, not asleep, not falling asleep. It is necessary to allow myself not to sleep and go to do something. But in any case it is impossible to turn on the TV and watch movies or worse, located in the Internet, sitting at the computer. Screen flicker will continuously fuel the processes of excitation of the cerebral cortex, only fueling sleepless state (in the future all need to take it a rule to stop working at the computer for a couple of hours before the intended sleep, then excitation will not dominate before going to sleep in the brain cortex). Best of all, read a book, take a walk, to draw, to sew, to touch things. Monotonous activities will gradually calm the nervous system and appears natural promise to smiriti eyes and go to sleep.

If the dream never comes, it is better not to go further. It is better not to sleep one night, than to plant the body on sleeping pills and ruin a natural mechanism for falling asleep. After days without sleep, the next night sleep will be much easier. But under the condition that no drugs no piles and no overstimulation to the brain in the form of a vigil in front of the computer and game shooting was not.

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