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Now human intelligence can be identified by its.

Теперь интеллект человека можно определить по его фото в соцсетиA method has been found which allows to define the human intellect’s photos on social networks.

A special algorithm was developed by researchers representing the psychometrics Centre at Cambridge University. It allows you to define smart indicators of a person by his photos on the social network. Takes into account not only the expression of the person depicted in the photo, but other details, such as clothing or background. It also analyzes whether the photos other people.

In the study, researchers used the 1122 profile of users of social network Facebook. All participants had to pass a test that defines intelligence quotient, and the researchers then analyzed photos of people with different indices.

One of the traditional markers of intelligence are considered to be points, however, according to the findings of scientists, this item is not always about high intelligence. Was also dispelled the myth that the pictures suggests a low IQ.

Meanwhile, the scientists were able to identify markers of social network profiles, speaking better than other people’s, intelligence. The most intelligent participants of the experiment are presented in the photo alone. Typically, these high-quality photos and the background at the same laconic. If we talk about colors then most intelligent people were impressed by the green. At the same time, it was noted very rarely use pink, purple or red.

Authors of the study say that their observations helped to dispel some stereotypes. The scientists hope that the findings will be useful for people who want to present themselves in the best light. In addition, the study can assist resource managers in assessing candidates for a particular position, including their photos in social networks.

Earlier, another group of researchers came to the conclusion that fans of “smart” quotes are not very high intelligence and often other people trust unverified information.Go to the Main page

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