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Mobile phones provoke “electronic insomnia”

Мобильные телефоны провоцируют «электронную бессонницу» In the period of complete Informatization of society does not neglect the time required by the human body for rest and sleep.

Lying in bed, it is best to disable all existing mobile devices.

To such conclusion the British scientists engaged in the study of the progressive in recent times the phenomenon of “electronic insomnia”. After a series of studies, scientists came to the conclusion that the hours of time that could have gone to sleep, teenagers spend on your smartphone.

But the impact of the phone on sleep quality does not stop, he continues to Wake the child in the middle of the night because of the published notifications, vibrations and signals the screen, and then checks these messages. This leads to a further decrease in the duration of sleep, and greatly reduces its effectiveness.

Currently, about 45 percent of school-age children have an issue of “electronic insomnia”, leading to low concentration in class and the low absorption of school material. Scientists strongly recommend that parents explain to their children about the negative impact of the phone on sleep, and to introduce a new habit in families with disabling all mobile devices at night.

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