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Old cosmetics are dangerous for health

Using expired cosmetics, women are putting their health at risk. Dangerous cosmetic products can be in the purse of any girl. And we are not talking about cheap cosmetics, which contain untested substances, and the expiration date of funds, after which it may become hazardous to health. In London scientists …

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The most essential products for heart health

TOP 5 foods for your heart and blood vessels.Scientists have proved that some vegetables and fruits will help strengthen the myocardium is not worse than drugs. 1. ParsleyTablespoon of juice of this vegetable pot a day is a very effective remedy for hypertension. Its bioactive substances strengthen the small blood …

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Light massage eye to improve vision

The complex self-massage for eye health.For eye health and improve vision, it is useful to do samomassaj. Exercise 11. Sit on a chair, straighten your back, look straight ahead.2. Quickly blinked about 10-12 times, then close your eyes and relax for 3-5 seconds.3. Repeat the exercise 4-5 times. Exercise 21. …

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An effective exercise for strengthening of bones

6 exercises that strengthen bones and joints.Proper and balanced diet is the Foundation that supports healthy musculoskeletal system. But without physical activity even while controlling the ration it is impossible to avoid age-related changes in bone and articular apparatus. After all, this is the part of the body, which is …

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These harmless diseases are “deadly” character

Scientists have found out, what diseases can cause premature death. Harmless broken arm in middle age can affect the risk of dying a few years later, writes the Chronicle.Info with reference to Comments. Loneliness and loss of smell were included in the list of “hidden killers” that reduce life expectancy. …

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These ingredients will make the water tastier and healthier

To drink normal water per day, not necessarily to torture yourself with plain water. You can add “special” ingredients giving a unique taste and aroma of drinking water. We all know about the many positive effects from drinking water in sufficient quantity. But many are probably faced with the fact …

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Scientists have identified who are most at risk of obesity

As a result of global study, the researchers came to the conclusion that obese more often affects girls-the firstborn. Swedish researchers urge medical professionals to think about the global problem of rising body mass index (BMI), which is celebrated all over the world, writes the Chronicle.Info with reference to Zdravoe. …

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