Home / Medicine / Ten symptoms that characterize the development of liver cirrhosis

Ten symptoms that characterize the development of liver cirrhosis

Десять симптомов, характеризующих развитие цирроза печениDoctors insist on careful attention every person to own health.

Symptoms of cirrhosis of the liver is very diverse, with 60% of patients they are pronounced, and at 20% the disease is detected incidentally during surveys of other diseases, writes the Chronicle.Info with reference to the Correspondent.

As sad as it sounds, but 20% of patients the disease is detected only at autopsy.

But there are basic symptoms that characterize the ongoing process of liver cirrhosis:

1. Pain in the liver. The pain may be dull and aching, region of its manifestations – the right side and upper quadrant. Also may be sick in the epigastric region. Usually the pain is worse after meals and exercise. Cirrhosis may be accompanied by certain diseases, which appear when pulling and stabbing pain in the right side.

2. Nausea and vomiting. Vomiting usually appears with the blood, it happens at a bleeding from varicose veins of the esophagus.

3. The feeling of dryness and bitterness in the mouth.

4. Itchy skinthat appears with the accumulation of the blood to bile acids.

5. Fatigue and irritability.

6. Diarrhea, which is enhanced when a fatty meal.

7. Bloating.

8. Slimming.

9. Disruptions in the reproductive system. In men cirrhosis is manifested sexual weakness in women, disorders of the menstrual cycle.

10. Jaundiced-pale skin can also occur with cirrhosis. Intense jaundice appears in biliary cirrhosis, that is the final stage of liver cirrhosis.

Doctors report that in severe course of the disease the patient is exhausted and much thinner, his muscles atrophy and decreases the muscle tone.

Skinny face, unhealthy skin color, bright color palm and lips, increased stomach – all the signs of developing liver cirrhosis.

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