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Scientists from the U.S. Daytime sleep triggers jumps in blood pressure

Ученые из США: Дневной сон провоцирует скачки артериального давленияAmerican researchers have concluded that daytime sleep can easily lead to the development of hypertension.

Experts from the Mayo clinic (USA) examined data from earlier studies and found that the sleep in the daytime poses a threat. In 20 percent of cases it provokes malfunctions in the cardiovascular system, writes the Chronicle.Info with reference to НealthInfo.

Physicians used information on more than 112 thousand people, among whom were the lovers to sleep in the afternoon for a while. It turned out that such individuals often are faced with the problem of hypertension. It is noteworthy that those who fell asleep during the period of night duty, had no such risk.

It is reported that the followers of the dreamer in this day period to 13-19 percent more likely to have dealt with hypertension than those who adhered to the standard routine. Because of that, there is a similar relationship, experts do not yet know but intend to find the answer to their question.

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