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Named the most harmful products for health

Experts have called the most harmful products for the stomach.Currently, very few of us heed the advice of nutritionists and doctors about tasty and healthy food. The rhythm of life makes a close eye on what we eat, and sometimes enlightenment comes too late. Therefore, the experts presented the four …

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Proper nutrition for heart health

How to prevent and treat heart disease using nutrition.The occurrence of heart disease is a direct consequence of addiction to fatty foods, says cardiologist Caldwell Esselstyn. These findings the doctor has made after decades of research involving thousands of patients who felt a significant improvement within a month after the …

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Beriberi: the main symptoms and methods of treatment

7 signs that you are not getting enough vitaminsEven people who eat healthy can receive essential vitamins and minerals. If you have any of these symptoms of nutrient deficiency, then follow the advice of doctors, to help the body. Your nails or internal century – paleThe body loses iron. According …

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Doctors told about the berries, most useful for health

Absolutely all berries red physicians consider the most useful. As soon as the summer months come, we have the opportunity to enrich the body with essential supply of vitamins and micronutrients due to consumption of large amounts of fruits and berries. Among the abundance of summer gifts is to highlight …

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The use of these products entails the risk

With regular use of harmful products can ruin your health. Currently, very few of us heed the advice of nutritionists and doctors about tasty and healthy food. The rhythm of life makes a close eye on what we eat, and sometimes enlightenment comes too late. Therefore, the experts presented the …

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This herbs effectively cleanses the body

If you need to cleanse the body and get rid of excess weight, then pay attention to parsley. To lose weight on the parsley – it’s easy. This plant promotes the elimination of fluids from the body, thereby helping to cleanse the body of toxins, and at the same time …

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