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Scientists have discovered the relationship between “beer belly” and prostate cancer

Ученые обнаружили взаимосвязь между "пивным животиком" и раком простатыTurns out the waist in men can be directly linked to the risk of getting prostate cancer.

Men with a large waist are at a higher risk of developing aggressive prostate cancer, the study showed 140 thousand Europeans. It turned out, a volume increase of 10 inches increased the risk of cancer by 13%. A particularly increased risk in men with a waist circumference of more than 94 centimeters, say staff of the University of Oxford, reports the Chronicle.Info with reference to the Telegraph.

The scientists looked at the figures waist size in men 50 years and older in relation to the risk of developing cancer in the next 14 years. During this time there were about 7000 cases of prostate cancer. 934 of them – deadly. It became clear: a large body mass Index and waist circumference increased the likelihood of aggressive prostate cancer.

For example, while the waistline is 94 cm, the risk increased by 13% compared to the girth of 84 inches. In obese men also had an increased risk of death. The really big problem appeared in men with a waist more than 94 cm. By the way, health problems can occur in women with a waist more than 80 cm. The reason probably lies in the hormones in fat cells that cause cancer.

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